
No. X Y Toolz Where you may acquire them
1 6 14 Gauntletz In plain sight in the center of a Spotlight south of where Bare-handed Grunt #1 enterz the puzzle. He walkz down (avoiding the Karaoke call) and pickz them up.
2 11 21 Sword In plain sight on a small island in a pool of Water.
Bare-handed Grunt #2 crossez a sequential Toggling Bridge (TB) to pick them up.
3 2 35 Springz In plain sight (within the range of two enemy Gruntz ).
Bare-handed Grunt #3 crossez a sequential TB to pick them up.
17 20 Gauntletz Bare-handed Grunt #1 takez them from the Goo Puddle when the enemy Grunt who was carrying them is 'offed' by a "butter knife".
(Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page, since it was not 'acquired'.)
4 35 18 Shovel Gauntletz Grunt #1 breakz a Die Cube to reveal it.
(He becomez Shovel Grunt #1.)
5 44 33 Gun Hat In plain sight on a small island in a pool of Water.
Bare-handed Grunt #3 crossez a Crumbling Bridge (CB) to pick it up.
6 47 37 Gravity Bootz GunHat #3 usez a Megaphone (#1) to call for them ... used later.
46 6 Warpstone In plain sight atop a plateau on the eastern edge of the map.
(Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page.)