
No. X Y Toolz Where you may acquire them ... in the order used
23 0 Gauntletz Grunt #1 enterz the puzzle with them.
27 59 Springz Grunt #3 enterz the puzzle with them.
1 9 12 Springz Gauntletz Grunt #1 breakz a Rock to reveal them.
2 0 17 Gauntletz Springz Grunt #1 had to jump on Spikez (losing his Springz ) to get them.
3 31 19 Shovel Gauntletz Grunt #1 breakz a Rock to reveal it.
Bare-handed grunt #2 is released and walkz north to pick it up.
4 26 12 Gauntletz Shovel Grunt #2 digz up a Mound to reveal them ... used later.
5 25 12 Shovel Shovel Grunt #2 digz up a Mound to reveal it ... used later.
19 20 Warpstone Grunt #1 breakz a Rock to reveal it ... and pickz it up himself.
(Does not count as a Tool.)