
X Y Secret Type Description of the location
4 37 Secret Switch #1 The Secret Switch is under a Rock in the center of the 'G' of 'GooRoo' in Construction Pyramidz .
In the 'EZ' version, the Secret Switch is a Black One-Time Switch instead, and the temporary Rockz are raised Black Pyramidz (BP).
Some of the Construction Pyramidz will turn into Rockz (or raised BPz will be lowered ) and Arrowz will point the way to go to collect the Coinz (Coinz #5 through #9) within the enclosed partz of 'GooRoo'.
30 21 Secret Switch #2 The Secret Switch is under a Rock (or is a BOTS ) near where the Bare-handed grunt #2 entered the game.
A Black Pyramid will temporarily turn into an ordinary tile (or be lowered ), freeing Bare-handed grunt #2.
34 19 Red Warp (RW) The SecretTeleporterTrigger is a Yellow Hold Switch surrounded by Spikez .
The RW openz up three tilez to the west.
The RW will take the grunt (who should be carrying a Shovel ) to the small island to the northwest, with three Moundz and a Rock .
Dig up the three Moundz in the order east/west/center and pick up objectz in the order east/center/west.
That grunt will dig up a Warp Letter , a Shovel and a pair of Gauntletz .
You need the Gauntletz to break the Rock preventing you from returning through the RW (BW , in Easy version).
You need the Shovel to be able to complete the remainder of the puzzle.
22 47 Secret Switch The Secret Switch (or a BOTS ) is buried in a Mound on the west side of the Jordan River to the north of where the Springz Grunt #3 was originally imprisoned in Pyramidz .
A Stairway will open (or a BP blocking it will be lowered ) leading to the west, and Arrowz will show the way to the 'R' in 'GooRoo', where the Shovel Grunt #2 will be able to dig up a Coin (Coin #17).
12 17 Red Warp (RW) Immediately to the South of the King's Fortress, at the Western edge is a SecretTeleporterTrigger (no reason to go there).
The RW openz up where the Shovel Grunt dug up a Mound with a Coin (Coin #19) in it, and removed the Rolling Rock from the playing field.
Then the Shovel Grunt grabz all the Warp letterz , Coinz (Coinz #20, #21 and #22) and Toyz before returning through the RW (or re-entering the Arrowz maze for Coin #18 ... if it was not acquired earlier).