
No. X Y Toolz Where you may acquire them
1 65 7 Springz One of your Gruntz usez a Megaphone (#1) to call for them.
75 31 GooberStraw Turn an enemy Grunt into a Goo Puddle and take it from the Goo.
Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page.
2 74 30 Shovel One of your Gruntz usez a Megaphone (#2) to call for it ... used later, by a newly-baked Grunt.
3 71 51 Gauntletz One of your Gruntz usez a Megaphone (#3) to call for them ... used later, by a newly-baked Grunt.
4 35 71 Gravity Bootz In plain sight ... a Resurrected Grunt will try them on for size.
5 66 73 Gauntletz One of your Gruntz (with hardened feet ) usez a Megaphone (#4) to call for them ... has an immediate need for them.
6 70 71 Shovel One of your Gruntz (with hardened feet ) usez a Megaphone (#5) to call for it ... he will need it, later.
7 68 72 Gravity Bootz A Grunt with hardened feet usez a Megaphone (#4) to call for a pair of Gauntletz which he usez to break thingz, like a Giant Rock.

revealing ground requiring a Shovel

Fortunately, he also used another Megaphone (#5) to call for a Shovel, so he goez to work and uncoverz some new Bootz.
8 70 71 GunHat Gravity Bootz Grunt usez a Toy to slip past an enemy Grunt ; pickz it up ... and usez it to create a Goo Puddle .
29 65 Sword Turn an enemy Grunt into a Goo Puddle and take it from the Goo.
Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page.
9 53 55 SpongeGun Springz #2 usez a Megaphone (#6) to call for it ... used later.
34 40 Warpstone Shovel Grunt fillz in a Hole , digz up the Mound to reveal it .
Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page.