
No. X Y Description of where the object is found
1 1 10 In plain sight south of a south-pointing Arrow .
Reachable when Grunt #2 activatez a Question Mark Switch (QMS).
2 29 8 In plain sight west of a west-pointing Arrow .
Reachable when Grunt #2 activatez that same QMS .
3 29 17 In plain sight one step north of the Warpstone piece.
4 15 26 In plain sight, one step west of a QMS (which is activated before acquiring the Coin).
5 27 15 In plain sight, just south of a clump of grass within the second outer wall.
(I suppose it is possible to 'swap' Coinz #4 and #5 ... but not wise.)
6 9 16 In plain sight just outside the first outer wall, on the western edge.
7 13 23 Partly hidden behind a tree in the southwest corner of the first outer wall.
8 19 21 In plain sight atop the first CheckPoint Switch (CPS).
9 21 16 In plain sight atop the second CPS .
10 9 19 In plain sight atop the third CPS .
11 28 34 In plain sight, surrounded by (lowered ) Red Pyramidz shaped like the letter 'G'.
These eighteen Coinz may be acquired in any order ... listed in the order the Designer pickz them up.
If you are good at 'multi-tasking', Coin #29 may be acquired at some time during these eighteen acquisitionz.
12 29 34 In plain sight, within the letter 'G'.
13 29 35 In plain sight, within the letter 'G'.
14 29 36 In plain sight, within the letter 'G'.
15 28 35 In plain sight, within the letter 'G'.
16 28 36 In plain sight, within the letter 'G'.
17 28 37 In plain sight, within the letter 'G'.
18 28xx 38 In plain sight, within the letter 'G'.
19 29 38 In plain sight, within the letter 'G'.
20 11 38 In plain sight, within the (lowered ) CheckPoint Pyramidz (CPP) of GooRoo.
21 7 38 In plain sight, within the (lowered ) CPPz of GooRoo.
22 2 39 In plain sight, within the (lowered ) CPPz of GooRoo.
23 1 39 In plain sight, within the (lowered ) CPPz of GooRoo.
24 1 38 In plain sight, within the (lowered ) CPPz of GooRoo.
25 1 36 In plain sight, within the (lowered ) CPPz of GooRoo.
26 2 36 In plain sight, within the (lowered ) CPPz of GooRoo.
27 7 33 In plain sight, within the (lowered ) CPPz of GooRoo.
28 11 33 In plain sight, within the (lowered ) CPPz of GooRoo.
29 16 33 Buried in a Mound (that was covered by a Rock ) south of the outermost wall.
30 16 14 Buried in a Mound within the King's Fortress, where an enemy Grunt was standing.