(Listed in the approximate order acquired.)

No. X Y Where to find them.
1 34 32 In plain sight on a Yellow Toggle Switch (YTS)... sort of.
It is in plain sight after Enemy Gruntz (who don't like each other) start breaking small Cupcakez
and one of them breakz the Giant Cupcake

2 36 33 Under a Cupcake which an enemy Grunt has obligingly broken for you.
(Coinz #2 through #5 may be taken in any order, with no penalty. )
3 35 34 Under a Cupcake which an enemy Grunt has obligingly broken for you.
4 33 34 Under a Cupcake which an enemy Grunt has obligingly broken for you.
5 32 33 Under a Cupcake which an enemy Grunt has obligingly broken for you.
6 46 35 Under a Cupcake , atop a Black One-Time Switch (BOTS).
7 48 33 Under a Cupcake , atop a Question Mark Switch (QMS).
8 56 39 Under a Cupcake , near an enemy Grunt . (May be Coin #9, with no penalty. )
9 59 36 Under a Cupcake , near an enemy Grunt . (May be Coin #8, with no penalty. )
10 46 34 In a Mound , atop a YTSwitch .
11 47 33 In a Mound , atop a Green Toggle Switch (GTS).
12 48 30 In a Mound , atop a GTS .
13 47 28 In a Mound , atop a GTS .
14 48 26 In a Mound , atop a GTS .
15 49 22 In a Mound , atop a QMS .
16 53 19 In plain sight atop a BOTS , revealed when a timebomb goez off next to a Giant Cupcake.
17 53 15 In plain sight atop a BOTS , revealed when a timebomb goez off next to a Giant Cupcake.
18 55 11 Under a Cupcake , atop a QMS .
19 59 7 Under a Cupcake , near an enemy Grunt . (May be Coin #20, with no penalty. )
20 56 4 Under a Cupcake , near an enemy Grunt . (May be Coin #19, with no penalty. )
21 51 18 In a Mound , atop a QMS .
22 45 19 Under a Cupcake , atop a BOTS , revealed when a timebomb goez off.
23 47 21 Under a Cupcake , atop a Green Hold Switch (GHS), revealed when a timebomb goez off.
24 46 21 Under a Cupcake , atop a QMS , revealed when a timebomb goez off.
25 40 25 In plain sight atop a GHS in the middle of a small island.
26 36 19 Under a Cupcake , atop a GHS , on the southern border of a Silver Pyramidz maze.
27 23 11 In plain sight atop a BOTS under a Giant Cupcake, revealed when an enemy Grunt lit his fuse.
28 30 16 Under a Cupcake , atop a QMS .
29 32 15 Under a Cupcake , atop a Silver Timer Switch .
30 32 16 In a Mound , atop a QMS .
31 53 15 In plain sight atop a BOTS under a Giant Cupcake, revealed when an enemy Grunt lit his fuse.
32 9 11 Under a Cupcake , atop a BOTS .
33 10 9 Under a Cupcake , atop a QMS .
34 7 4 Under a Cupcake , near an enemy Grunt . (May be Coin #35, with no penalty. )
35 4 7 Under a Cupcake , near an enemy Grunt . (May be Coin #34, with no penalty. )
36 16 35 Under a Cupcake , atop a CheckPoint Switch (CPS).
37 11 34 Under a Cupcake , atop a BOTS .
38 10 33 Under a Cupcake , atop a QMS .
39 4 36 Under a Cupcake , near an enemy Grunt . (May be Coin #40, with no penalty. )
40 7 39 Under a Cupcake , near an enemy Grunt . (May be Coin #39, with no penalty. )
41 10 21 Under a Cupcake , atop a CPS .
42 11 22 Under a Cupcake , atop a CPS .
43 11 12 In a Mound , atop a BOTS .
44 13 20 In a Mound , atop a CPS .
45 14 21 In a Mound , atop a CPS .
46 15 24 In a Mound .
47 20 24 In a Mound which becomez a Hole which becomez a Mound .
48 20 24 In a Mound .
49 21 26 In a Mound which becomez a Hole which becomez a Mound .
50 21 26 In a Mound .
51 22 28 In a Mound which becomez a Hole which becomez a Mound .
52 22 28 In a Mound .
53 12 23 In a Mound , atop a QMS .
54 15 35 In a Mound , atop a GHS .
55 22 30 In a Mound , atop a CPS .
56 18 30 In plain sight on a raised Bridge Tile .
57 17 31 In plain sight on a raised Bridge Tile .
58 16 27 In plain sight on a raised Bridge Tile .
59 14 30 In plain sight on a raised Bridge Tile .
60 15 31 In plain sight on a raised Bridge Tile .