Walkthrough (Normal mode only)

Grunt Description of what to do
Grunt #5 The Custom Level openz centered on this guy ... so start using him! When he's stuck, try another Grunt.
Grunt #2 This Grunt is the first one freed, so use him next.
Grunt #4 Grunt #5 and Grunt #2 , working together, make it possible for this Grunt to join them.
Grunt #1 Grunt #4 removez the obstacle hemming him in.
Grunt #3 Grunt #5 providez him with the Tool he needz to move.
Grunt #6 Can acquire his own Tool (#5) at any time ... timing is simply a preference.
Grunt #7 He really can't do much without a Tool . (It takez a while to provide one for him.)
Grunt #8 Duh! He didn't even exist when the puzzle opened! Naturally, he is last.
Gruntz are numbered as they appear top to bottom in 'tabs'.
Whenever a Grunt is 'stuck', look for another Grunt who can help him out.

Continue to use a Grunt as long as there is something he can do.
There is nothing in this puzzle that has critical timing, even when more than one Grunt is used actively.
The description for each Grunt containz a horizontal line
when he reachez an impasse. Time to select another Grunt!