What Grunt #4 does

Step Description of what to do
1 When the BPz are lowered , move past an Arrow , duck, and shoot back at the one who threw something at you, then emulate Elroy "Crazy Legz" Hirsch and hie thee to safety. Perhapz breathing heavily, you take your rest on a GHS and see that the GPz are lowered just north of you. Wait for someone else to do something.
2 Grunt #3 pickz up the GunHat (Tool #2) and wavez his thanks at you.
Stepping off the GHS , the GPz are lowered again.
You take 'pity' on the enemy Grunt stuck between two Arrowz , and send him on his way, where he lands on a GTS and lowerz two GPz .
The other enemy Grunt has annoyed you, so you send him on a little trip.
He windz up similarly stuck between the same two Arrowz, and you also 'pity' him.
The way is now clear to join forcez with Grunt #3 , standing on a GHS .
He movez through the STS and SPz to the YTS area.
He seez a Purple Multi-Grunt Switch (PMGS) and jumpz on it.
"I see you!" ... and he firez a sponge at the nearby enemy Grunt . (Squish.)
Wait for someone else to do something.
3 Lends 'assistance' to his buddy.
4 Lends assistance to his buddy by stepping on a YTS .
5 He movez through the STS and SPz past the GPz and to join his buddy .
He acceptz some pain, and movez through the Spikez to a safe place, avoiding the Bottlez of Zap Cola (he won't need to be in any better health). Someone who will need health comez next.
6 He seez that a Bridge is (sometimez) complete, and movez north to join his buddiez.
Spotting an enemy Grunt , decidez he is too close, and pushez him further away (but NOT onto the BOTS ... yet).
He bravez some Trap Doorz and a Spikez tile, turnz down the chance to sing (he can't) and reachez safety.
Then he 'assistz' his buddy across an Arrow , to pick up another tool.
Spotting an enemy Grunt , 'encouragez' him to leave the GHS he has been holding down .
Observez "it's a good thing I chose to assist my buddy before I encouraged that guy."
The lowered GPz have risen , and a bit later a Bridge Tile is submerged .
Returnz across the Spikez tile and Trap Doorz and across the (mostly) complete Bridge to shoot the same enemy Grunt a second (and a third?) time.
That Grunt landz on a GHS and GPz surrounding a toy are lowered .
7 Returnz north and waitz beside some BPz .
8 The BPz are lowered , and with Grunt #5 standing on a GHS , the GPz are also lowered , so he standz on a lowered GP , takez aim at an Arrow and tellz his buddy "Now!". Then he walkz east to the 'lane' between two R8Bz and south to the Two-Way Arrow (TWA). Takez a deep breath and stepz on the TWA ... then quickly to the east.
Three Gruntz are fairly close together now:
  • Grunt #5 standing next to an Arrow ;
  • Grunt #3 standing in a safe place ;
  • Grunt #4 standing in another safe place
Ready? Time for some fancy footwork, and fancy shooting!