What Grunt #3 does

Grunt Step Description of what to do
Bare-handed #3 1 He negotiatez the TDz to the stairway and crosses the Toggling Bridge (TB) and operatez three Yellow Toggle Switchez (YTS) until he is satisfied.
He stepz on an Arrow and losez control until he arrivez near a Silver Timer Switch (STS) and some Silver Pyramidz (SP).
The STS providez a path through lowered SPz.
Since the GPz are lowered , it is easy to pick up the GunHat (Tool #2).
Gun Hat #3 2 He movez north and standz on a GHS , raising the GPz which surrounded his tool. Secondz later, Grunt #4 movez, and the GPz are lowered again.
Gun Hat #3 3 He movez through the STS and SPz to the YTS area.
He stepz on a YTS and collectz two Coinz (Coinz #4 & #5).
Greedy! Now you're stuck here! "Hey Rube!"
Gun Hat #3 4 He movez through the STS and SPz past the GPz and waitz for his buddy to join him.
Gun Hat #3 5 He movez through the Spikez field (ouch!) and chug-a-lugz a Bottle of Zap Cola , then movez over some Bridgez toward Grunt #1.
Thanks to the Zap Cola, he is at nearly full health, so he bravez some Trap Doorz and a Spikez tile, turnz down the chance to sing (he can't) and reachez safety.
He can waste some time exchanging salvoez with an enemy Grunt , but it is better to just wait for Grunt #4
Gun Hat #3 6 Is told to step on the Arrow , so he doez, and is hit by a sponge which drivez him near some (lowered!) GPz .
He pickz up a new tool (Tool #6) and becomez Grunt #3
Sponge Gun #3 7 Movez east avoiding the Spotlight, over a Spikez tile and across some Trap Doorz up to a place where he can 'persuade' an enemy Grunt to help the team out by standing on a BOTS .
Sponge Gun #3 8 No longer with a hard hat, nonetheless he now has the HARD PART.
Timing it well, he runz down the path of the nearest R8B and stopz next to the Arrow .
He is told to step on the Arrow and is hit by a sponge. Deja vu?
He stepz onto a YHS , and the central R8B comez to join him.
Now his buddy seez a chance to pair up and show a little fire power .