Walkthrough for Pool #1
Crossing 3 of 6 Bridgez and sucking Goo Puddlez
Grunt Description of what to do
GooberStraw #8 &
GooberStraw #9 &
GooberStraw #10
It is a good idea to SAVE before entering any of the six Bridgez in the area.
Looking ahead, it appearz you need to acquire 4 more teammatez ... with 9 Goo Puddlez!
Suck up a Goo Puddle and see what happens to the Goo Well.
How much more Goo is needed? Is it more or less than half full?
What happenz if the Goo Well is full, and you are still sucking?
Nothing went into the Goo Well? Hey! You're not supposed to swallow it! Restore!
Working together, they fill the Goo Well 4 timez, and bake 4 new Gruntz.
No 2 Gruntz ever suck Goo at the same time!
The color of the Goo Puddle indicatez what percentage of the Goo Well is filled.

If a color fillz half of the Goo Well, suck up another Goo Puddle of the same color.

If a color fillz more than half of the Goo Well, never suck up another Goo Puddle of the same color until you have successfully filled the Goo Well ... exactly!

If a color fillz less than half of the Goo Well, it may be safe to suck up another Goo Puddle of the same color. (There may not be a Goo Puddle that will exactly finish the job.)

When a Grunt may be baked, and Goo is not lost ... SAVE! in a different slot.
It is possible to bake 3 new Gruntz, but not have the Goo to finish #4.
When that happenz, you must go back to the original slot before any Goo was sucked.
Start over, selecting different Bridgez, until you can create 4 Gruntz.
You may now SAVE over your original Goo puzzle slot, and re-use the otherz for the next area. You wouldn't want to repeat this puzzle unneccessarily.