Goo Puddlez

X Y Bridge Puddlez Where you may acquire them ... must add up to exactly 100%!
2 38 1 20 % In plain sight on the northern Bridge Tile (BT) furthest west (bridge #1).
2 36 1 20 % In plain sight on the middle BT .
2 34 1 80 % In plain sight on the southern BT .
4 34 2 30 % In plain sight on the northern BT east of bridge #1 (bridge #2).
4 36 2 50 % In plain sight on the middle BT .
4 38 2 40 % In plain sight on the southern BT .
6 34 3 40 % In plain sight on the northern BT east of bridge #2 (bridge #3).
6 36 3 20 % In plain sight on the middle BT .
6 38 3 70 % In plain sight on the southern BT .
8 34 4 70 % In plain sight on the northern BT east of bridge #3 (bridge #4).
8 36 4 30 % In plain sight on the middle BT .
8 38 4 10 % In plain sight on the southern BT .
10 34 5 20 % In plain sight on the northern BT east of bridge #4 (bridge #5).
10 36 5 80 % In plain sight on the middle BT .
10 38 5 50 % In plain sight on the southern BT .
12 34 6 10 % In plain sight on the northern BT east of bridge #5 (bridge #6).
12 36 6 30 % In plain sight on the middle BT .
12 38 6 30 % In plain sight on the southern BT .