Kitchen Slime
KitchenSlime is the logic for the hazard used in Area 6 - Honey, I Shrunk the Gruntz.

The KitchenSlime is limitted to travelling in a rectangular path.

To place a KitchenSlime, place it on the Clear Tile that is the upper left-hand , upper right-hand , lower left-hand or lower right-hand corner of its path (the Switchez, in the example), then set the tile coordinates of the diagonally opposite corner of its path in the Speed X: and Speed Y: fields.

In this example, if the KitchenSlime is placed on the Black One-Time switch, it should have its initial direction either EAST (clockwise) or SOUTH (counter-clockwise), and the Speed X: and Speed Y: fields should be the Tile coordinatez of one of the the Blue Toggle Switchez, or one of the Yellow Toggle Switchez.

Note: to find the tile coordinates of a particular Tile, go into Tile mode and click on a Tile; displayed in the bottom right of the screen will be the tile coordinates of the selected Tile.

Edit Objects Dialog Box
Logic: KitchenSlime
Image Set:
LEVEL_KITCHENSLIME_ + EAST Slime crawlz toward the east
or NORTH Slime crawlz toward the north
or SOUTH Slime crawlz toward the south
or WEST Slime crawlz toward the west
Speed X: 0; put the X coordinate of the Tile that defines the diagonally opposite corner of the path.
Speed Y: 0; put the Y coordinate of the Tile that defines the diagonally opposite corner of the path.
Direction: 0; default; the KitchenSlime travels clockwise.
1; the KitchenSlime travels counter-clockwise.