Where to start: (Normal mode only)
You begin with our four friendz standing Bare-handed near the Stargate.
Operate the Silver Timer Switchez (STS) from north to south in order to enter each set of four Blue Wormholez (BW).
Most of the time, it doez not matter which Grunt goez through the first of each set of four BW .
The timez when it doez matter, sending one of the wrong Gruntz first will be fatal to your ability to complete the puzzle, so SAVE before entering the Stargate!
GooRoo's preference is to give each Grunt a number, via the "Ctrl-# method", and to give Gauntletz #1 and Shovel #2. If you want to do this, it helpz to know which of your four Gruntz will receive which Tool. So this Walkthrough beginz by listing Gruntz by the Tool they first acquire. For the first Stargate destination, there is no choice of which one of the BWz to enter.
Stargate dialer #1 ...
Captain Crater (Shovel) |
There is one Hole keeping you in place, and you can see several Moundz nearby. Those raised and lowered Red Pyramidz (RP) will make it a bit difficult to clear a path, while looking for goodiez. Use your Tool to do what it does best. It is usually safe to pick up a Coin, or activate a Switch. Did it help you to be able to do anything else? Now your buddy is able to move.
Colonel Gromiell (Gauntletz) |
Going through the northwest BW of the three remaining landz your Grunt on this Tool. You don't appear to be going anywhere until you break something! You have a one in four chance of breaking the wrong something. Choosing wisely, continue to break everything within reach, picking up any goodiez you uncover, and activating any Switchez, as well. When you run out of thingz you can do, you must wait for new pathz to be opened up for you. As soon as you are able to "move out", look for other thingz you can break, and start breaking them!
Talc (SpongeGun) |
Going through the northeast BW of the two remaining landz your Grunt near this Tool. You are quickly under attack, so step lively! Get your Tool, and eliminate the threatz, either by just getting them out of the way, or completely removing them from the map. You may take your 'reward' by picking up the goodiez you see lying around. You should now be able to reach the Green Wormhole (GW) ... but do you want to go through it, just yet? Perhapz, you too must wait for new pathz to be opened up for you.
Graniel Grunzton (Bare-handed) |
After doing all of the controlling of Silver Pyramidz for your buddiez, you get to create a path to the one remaining BW in the set ... and take it. You land on a Beach Ball and notice a disGruntled one nearby. You'd better give him the Toy! Make sure he playz with it someplace helpful to your cause, like on that Purple Multi-Grunt Switch (PMGS).
While he is occupied with it, you spy a Toy nearby, and another disGruntled one.
Give him the Squeak Toy (when he is on the PMGS !
Then keep both of them in their placez.
Then go pick up a Coin and wait for new pathz to be opened up for you.
Talc |
See! There was a reason to delay jumping through the first Wormhole you saw.
Your Bare-handed buddy needz help joining the team.
In this case, "two out of three" is bad!
Maybe operating that third PMGS will help him out!
Do you think you should go over and stand on it yourself?
Captain Crater |
You may now move freely(?) to the other three islandz. On two of them, you can see both Holez and Moundz so you can see there might be some work for you to do on them. Get rid of every one of the Holez and Moundz on both islandz. You will need some assistance from your Gauntletz buddy to reach some of them. Pick up any Coinz, or other goodiez you uncover. When all four islandz have been 'swept clean', the team is able to move through the GW and on to the next set of challengez.
Stargate dialer #2 ... Colonel Captain Talc Graniel |
Colonel Gromiell |
Yeah! You can see lotz of work to be done here! So you begin doing what you do best ... breaking thingz. But someone takez exception to your activitiez, and causez you to "cease and desist". You manage to pick up two Coinz before you are forced to stop. In a little while, your buddiez manage to remove the opposition, and you are able to resume "breaking thingz".
Captain Crater |
Those guyz with the "butter knivez" make you keep your distance, but (with Talc's assistance) you are able to "do your thing" on two of the Holez, uncovering a Coin and a Megaphone. You are prevented from grabbing the one (without taking serious injury), but pick up the other and use it to call for another Tool. There is an odd patch of ground that lookz out of place here, so one of the team memberz (not Captain Crater!) bravely stepz onto it. "Whoa! I don't remember seeing that before!" (It would be a good idea to dig up that Mound next to the odd patch of ground.) When everyone stopz flying around, you find that you may now freely continue ridding the area of Holez and Moundz (except for the one that allowz the team to move about freely).
Graniel |
"These better be my size!" sayz the only member of the team without a Tool.
Of course, they are just the right size, because every Grunt (except the King) is the same size!
Confidently, now that he is shod, the Grunt takez the lead across to the next island.
The Spikez don't bother him at all, so he headz down to step on a Black One-Time Switch (BOTS), and sayz "Now what?".
Told to go see what is on that ordinary Tile ... he doez.
"Whoa! I don't remember seeing that before! Somebody better get over there right away!"
Someone doez, and two other 'someonez' stand on the two Blue Hold Switchez (BHS), allowing him to cross to the next island, where his Bootz allow him to step on another BOTS . He seez he can pick up a couple of Coinz while he is waiting for the rest of the team to join him.
Captain Crater |
There was work to be done on the next island, so he bravely crossed over and (moaning his aching feet) set to work unearthing a couple of BHSez .
Colonel Gromiell |
The fearless leader of the team was next across, so was in perfect position to go through the Red Warp, which was fortunate, because there were a few Rockz between him and the return Red Warp. In two of them he found Coinz, and in one of them the Warp letter . The team then quickly doez a sweep of the next island and, satisfied, returnz through the GW back to the Stargate.
Stargate dialer #3 ... Colonel Captain Talc Graniel |
Captain Crater |
Makez trackz through the Lava Geyserz to step on a Green Toggle Switch (GTS) and then a Blue Toggle Switch (BTS) and then out to a Landing Area. Carefully crossing the Bridge, and ignoring the Coinz (duty callz in the form of work ahead) Captain Crater crossez another Bridge to where that Tool may be employed. With the first mission accomplished, and a Coin as a reward, the next task beckonz ... another clean-up job. That revealz another BTS , which raisez a couple of Bridge Tilez ahead. This seemz a good place to wait for the rest of the team to catch up.
Graniel |
Followz a discrete distance behind, carefully avoiding any Switchez, and pickz up the Coinz along the way. Seeing some alien technology, he exchangez Toolz and lookz for a place to use what he findz.
Talc |
Seez a well-armed enemy within range of his weapon, and remainz behind a while to eliminate the future opponent.
Colonel Gromiell |
I'll catch up with the otherz, and see if I can find anything to break. (He does.) He is still hard at work, with Graniel assisting him when Talc and Captain Crater catch up. When they reach a clearing, a 'Mad Bomber' standz in the way. Graniel sayz "Let me lure him away ... I'm fastest". "There are more thingz to break, and I think I can dodge him", so the leader ... leadz. The 'Mad Bomber' unwittingly assistz the team in clearing away some hazardz while Colonel Gromiell revealz another alien artifact. Graniel immediately siezez it and sayz "Arrrrrrr". Then the entire team proceedz back through the GW to the Stargate.
Stargate dialer #4 ... Colonel Captain Talc Graniel |
Graniel |
Enthusiastically (filled with the power of the new alien technology) forgez to the front and disappearz through a Blue Wormhole. He landz and findz that Tool isn't worth very much in the new surroundingz. Handily, there is another Tool nearby that will allow him to proceed. He seez four Coinz and suspectz a trap, so approachez them circumspectly and managez to acquire all of them without any problem. Further south, he spiez another alien Tool and makez his way towardz it.
Talc |
The rest of the team findz themselvez in a group on a small plateau. Talc sayz "Lookz like there are some bad guyz ahead. I can handle them." (Most of them, anyway.) Meanwhile, on the other end of the same island, Graniel makez use of his new Tool to help clear out the opposition. The Colonel unhappily notez there is nothing to break on this island so sayz "I'll scout on ahead". Meanwhile, the Captain happily setz in to clean up, collecting some Coinz in the process. Talc and Graniel "follow the leader" with Graniel saying "There's got to be more alien technology around here someplace!" You know that whatever turnz up is going to be in his handz like lightning!
Colonel Gromiell
Captain Crater |
Both set to work in the island, revealing some ZAP Cola and other goodiez. The Colonel remarkz "Why would anyone hide an Arrow there?" Then he findz out why. Meanwhile, Captain Crater turnz up another alien Tool, which Graniel promptly grabz. "Time to start sucking" he exclaimz. And he knowz just where to find some Goo.
Note: four Goo Puddlez are required, but there is no benefit to storing more away.
As soon as a new Grunt is baked, enter him into the game and start him moving ... anywhere. He will end up where he needz to be, arriving at a Tool.
Now is the time for any Grunt in need of refreshment to partake of some ZAP Cola.
Colonel Gromiell now waxez ecstatic as he liberally appliez his Tool to all of the Rockz big and small, revealing some Coinz and Switchez. When all is said and done, the entire team goez through the GW to Stargate Central.
Stargate dialer #5 ... Colonel Captain Talc Graniel |
"Red Shirt" |
The only thing for this Grunt to do is go to the next island and step on an Orange Up/Down Switch, a task only he can perform!
Colonel Gromiell
Captain Crater
Graniel |
Talc should go through the northwest Blue Wormhole, which is the best choice, but any one will work.
Colonel Gromiell's best choice is the southeast Blue Wormhole.
Captain Crater and Graniel may take either of the other Blue Wormholez.
If the Orange Pyramid has not already been lowered, it is time for the "Red Shirt" to do his thing.
The Colonel breakz the three Rockz easternmost and then proceedz to the Landing Area towardz the north and crosses to the next island and proceedz as far north as he can reach.
Talc also crossez as soon as he can, and usez his Tool to 'entice' an enemy Grunt to activate a Black One-Time Switch. Now he can reach another Black One-Time Switch, which will allow the Colonel to reach yet another Black One-Time Switch and the Coin just beyond it on a Yellow Hold Switch. Then Talc can reach another Coin on a Green Hold Switch. The Colonel cooperatez to let Talc to and from the Green Hold Switch.Both Gruntz return to rejoin Captain Crater and Graniel. After a couple of Rockz are broken, it is clear what must be done next. The return GW is in sight ... all they have to do is get past the disGruntled one carrying a big Sword! Then they take turnz waltzing into the way back to Stargate Central.
Stargate dialer #6 ... Colonel Captain Talc Graniel |
Colonel Gromiell |
Takez the lead and goes through the southwest Blue Wormhole (best, not only choice) and seez a Coin he can reach and takez a step forward, then realizez he could be committing to something the team is not prepared to do ... just yet.
Graniel |
Goes through the northwest Blue Wormhole (best, not only choice) and sizez up the situation and sayz "How am I supposed to get through this?"
Talc |
Goes through the northeast Blue Wormhole (best, not only choice) and seez a way he can help. "Go stand on that Landing Area and take a step toward that other Landing Area ... I'll help you across." So Graniel and he execute Talc's plan. About this time Captain Crater arrivez and tellz Talc "You're standing right where I have to dig!" Talc obediently movez a short distance away to allow the work to be done. Captain Crater seez the same problem that Graniel noticed, but Talc merely showz how Graniel got where he is. Dubiously, Captain Crater doez as Talc suggestz.
Captain Crater |
Goes through the southeast Blue Wormhole (best, not only choice) and setz to work repairing any Holez and Moundz in the area. Just be sure that if there are any Coinz to be found, the one who doez the work pickz them up!
Graniel |
Rememberz that there are some Objectz in the Gruntzmachine, takez one and sayz "Wingz! I can fly with a little help from my friendz!" ... and does. He standz (briefly) on a Blue Hold Switch and notez that a Bridge appearz that will allow the rest of the team to cross over to the island he is now on. Then he hearz "I'm going to get you!" and seez trouble heading his way. Keeping his witz about him, he pickz up the Toy nearby, ready to placate the disGruntled one with it. Then he returnz to stand on the Blue Hold Switch until relieved by another team member. When someone arrivez to take his place, he walkz (as much as possible) and fliez (when necessary) to the next island, and then to the next Blue Hold Switch, which raisez another Bridge. When he is again relieved, he walkz (as much as possible) and fliez (when necessary) to the next island, and then to the next Blue Hold Switch, which raisez a final Bridge.
Captain Crater |
Crossez over to join Graniel and putz the Tool to work. "Whew! Sure could use a little refreshment to make this work a bit easier." Heroically, all but one stubborn  Hole/Mound within reach is soon cleared away. "Graniel, fly over to the next island and see what that Blue Hold Switch will do for us! Wait, walk! Fly only when you absolutely have to! Who knowz how long that alien technology will last?"
Colonel Gromiell |
Seez that only he and Talc remain on this island, and that there are still two complete Crumbling Bridge pathz that may be crossed. So he finally pickz up that Coin he noticed earlier, and takez one of the routez to join the Captain on the next island, and to put his own special Tool to work there. Together, he and Captain Crater reveal a Lava Geyser and make it possible to pick up a Coin and something wonderful happens! Captain Crater leadz the way to the island where Graniel is patiently(?) waiting and cleanz up what he can, then takez Graniel'z place on the Blue Hold Switch, allowing the Colonel to cross and do his part to sweep the island clean. With the Colonel, the Captain and Graniel all standing on Blue Hold Switchez, Talc findz he can pick up the remaining Coinz and join the otherz and go through the GW back to Stargate Central.
Stargate dialer #7 ... Colonel Captain Talc Graniel |
All |
For the first six Stargate dialerz it was possible to send one, two, three or even all four Gruntz into Blue Wormholez with a single press of the dialer. For this one you will have to be very patient, and send the Gruntz through one at a time! Furthermore, only one sequence of Wormhole entriez will work: Talc, Graniel, Colonel Gromiell and (finally) Captain Crater will allow you to complete the task of bringing the Warpstone to the King.
Captain Crater |
"What a way to earn flight pay! I could have walked here faster!" But now that you're here, you see more work for that Tool, so when duty callz ... you listen and (being military) hop right to it! There it is ... the next-to-last Coin! Something also grabs your immediate attention. There it is ... the last Coin! And also the Warpstone!
Captain Crater |
When you return through the Red Warp after you pick up the Warpstone, you have to step lively to avoid the active Lava Geyser.
Then all you have to do is make it across the Bridge and take it to the King�z Fortress.