No. |
X |
Y |
Secret Type |
How you invoke it |
1 |
69 |
49 |
 Red Warp #1 (RW) |
There is a Mound (containing no prize) which becomez an Arrow, guarded by three Rockz, two of which (when broken) reveal Spikez. The RW openz in place and will take the (Shovel) Grunt to the northwest corner of the island, where he will dig up the Warp letter �W�.
2 |
48 |
40 |
RW #2 |
The Secret Trigger is the odd looking Tile due west of the Hole where a Megaphone was found. No 'prize' is acquired by using this Secret, but some obstaclez are removed ... two enemy Sword Gruntz. The RW will cause your Grunt to 'swap' placez with one Sword Grunt, and will take your Grunt to Secret #3.
3 |
55 |
32 |
RW #3 |
The Secret Trigger is the Yellow Toggle Switch on the northeast corner of the island. No 'prize' is acquired by using this Secret, but the other obstacle is removed ... the enemy Sword Grunt. The RW will cause your Grunt to 'swap' placez with the other Sword Grunt, and will take your Grunt to where the first Sword Grunt was standing.
4 |
39 |
30 |
RW #4 |
The Secret Trigger is the lone 'safe' Tile amidst all those Spikez. Before activating this Secret, your (Gravity Bootz) Grunt needz to step on the Black One-Time Switch to lower the raised Black Pyramidz. Your Gauntletz Grunt will go through the RW , which openz two diagonal stepz to the northwest on a lowered Black Pyramid, and will take your Grunt to a small island in the southeast quadrant. There he will find three Coinz and the Warp letter �A�.
5 |
76 |
22 |
RW #5 |
The Secret Trigger is the corner Construction Tile exposed when the Brick stack is removed. The RW will open two Tilez due north, and will take you to the lower level of the island with the Rolling Rockz you were just on, where there are a few Rockz  . There two Coinz will be found.
6 |
30 |
63 |
RW #6 |
There is an Arrow pointing to a lowered Black Pyramid which is the Secret Trigger. The RW openz on the lowered Black Pyramid and will take your (Gauntletz) Grunt to the southwest edge of the island due south. There he will break some Rockz, and pick up three Coinz.
7 |
42 |
5 |
RW #7 |
There is a Coin on a Green Hold Switch which is the Secret Trigger. The RW openz in place and will take your Grunt to an island in the southwest corner of the map. There he will find some Coinz and the Warp letter �R�.
8 |
34 |
48 |
 Question Mark Switch #1 (QMS) |
Located in the Lava Pool area with Crumbling Bridge Tilez. In the southeast corner of the island there is a Hole which you fill in and dig up again to reveal the QMS and a Coin. Activating the QMS will create a temporary Bridge crossing to the island to the east, where you will dig up a Coin, a Megaphone and (very necessary) another QMS.
9 |
43 |
46 |
QMS #2 |
Located on the island where you dug up a couple thingz. It createz a path back to the Lava Pool island.
10 |
13 |
42 |
RW #8 |
The Secret Trigger is in the southwest of the island where there is a Coin with two Rockz blocking access to it. The RW will open where a Rock is broken to reveal an inactive Lava Geyser. Your Gauntletz Grunt will go through the RW where he will break two Rockz and find two Coinz. Between them is a
  Giant Rock with the Warp letter �P� inside.
11 |
15 |
3 |
RW #9 |
The Secret Trigger is the Mound containing a Coin 'guarded' by an active Lava Geyser. The RW will open on an inactive Lava Geyser 'guarded' by an active Lava Geyser. The RW will take your Shovel Grunt to the Arrowz maze island due east, next to the last Coin and within reach of the Warpstone with the return Warp nearby.