You begin the game with two Bare-handed Gruntz (free to move)
and a Shovel Grunt trapped inside Red Pyramidz (RP).
You will be baking several new Gruntz along the way.
The walk-through referz to them as listed in the table below.
No. Source X Y Tool the Grunt acquirez ... ultimate fate, et cetera
1 6 107 Pickz up a GooberStraw (Tool #1) and startz sucking .
Has a tendency to lose it to thievez (and re-acquire) it.
On Island 4, he acquirez the Warp letter .
He will have "clean-up" duty everywhere except on Island 6 and on Island 6a.
2 8 106 Landz on the Warpstone Piece ... and carriez it everywhere!
3 1 111 Fillz in Holez , digz up Moundz ... and occasionally clobberz enemy Gruntz.
Is prone to temptation, and sometimez pocketz what he digz up .
4 6 116 Takez a ride on some Arrowz to join Gruntz #1 and #2.
Pickz up a pair of Gauntletz (Tool #2).
He also sharez the task of satisfying CheckPoint Switchez (CPS) in various placez.
Likez to break thingz, like:
Giant Volcanoez

enemy Gruntz (the weaker, the better!)
May even try to break:
unbreakable thingz! (How embarassing!)
explosive thingz! ("Hale-Bopp here I come" ... no Goo left behind.)
hardened thingz! (Losing his Gauntletz , as a result.)
Is prone to temptation, and sometimez pocketz what is under thingz he breakz .
5 6 116 Goez through a Blue Wormhole (BW) and landz on Island 2 (and never leavez).
His first task is to operate a Red Toggle Switch (RTS), freeing Grunt #3.
He will operate that RTS again, to control other Red Pyramidz (RP).
He will also be asked to stand on:
  • Blue Hold Switchez (BHS) ... to control Bridgez
  • Green Hold Switchez (GHS) ... to control Green Pyramidz (Green GP).
6 6 116 Takez a ride on some Arrowz , and headz for Island 3.
There he will pick up a Sword left behind by a defeated enemy Grunt .
(Nothing acquired from defeated enemy Gruntz count on the Statz Page.)
What does he do with it? He slicez up bad guyz!
He also sharez the task of satisfying CPSez in various placez.
7 6 116 Takez a ride on some Arrowz , and headz for Island 3.
There he will pick up a Sword left behind by a defeated enemy Grunt .
What does he do with it? He slicez up bad guyz!
He also sharez the task of satisfying CPSez in various placez.
8 6 116 Takez a ride on some Arrowz , and headz for Island 3.
Never acquirez a tool ... just followz the crowd to Island 5, where he operatez a Silver Timer Switch (STS) and a BHS .
Never leavez the island ... but a job well done!
9 6 116 Goez through a BW and landz on a Magic Wand (Tool #3). Castz a couple spellz.
Pickz up another Magic Wand (Tool #4), and castz one spell too many.
9a 6 116 The #9 slot was vacated by the demise of a Grunt who cast one too many spellz.
This is his replacement slot, so this Grunt is given #9a for the purposez of this walk-through.
Goez through a BW and landz on Island 8.
He stepz on a BOTS to free himself, then (with the assistance of a Grunt standing on a BHS ) acquirez a set of Boxing Glovez (Tool #5).
Boxing Glovez #9a then proceedz to punch an enemy Grunt into a corner (a BTS , actually), which leavez him trapped in a corner (on a GHS , actually) himself.
Unable to run, and being told to "take a dive", he is turned into a Goo Puddle . (Death #2)
9b 6 116 The #9 slot was vacated (again!) by the demise of Grunt #9a.
This is his replacement slot, so this Grunt is given #9b for the purposez of this walk-through.
Goez through a BW and landz on Island 8, surrounded by three-tiered Brickz .
Is given the Spy Gear (Tool #11) from Resourcez.
Spy #9b usez it on his surroundingz.
10 86 95 Pickz up the GooberStraw (Tool #5) nearby, and startz sucking .
(Alas, poor Wand Grunt ... I never knew him. )
He will have "clean-up" duty on Island 6 and on Island 6a .
11 6 116 Pickz up the Springz (Tool #6) nearby, and bouncez down to stand on a Purple Multi-Grunt Switch (PMGS) for a while.
12 6 116 Pickz up the Wingz (Tool #7) nearby, and fliez down to stand on the other PMGS .
13 6 116 Pickz up a Toob (Tool #8), paddlez around a lot, fightz bad guyz.
14 6 116
15 115 1 Never acquirez a tool, but acquirez the final Warp letter ... and is stuck.