Shovel #3
Gauntletz #4
GunHat #5
Gravity Bootz #7
Shovel #3 pickz up the Super Speed and runz to the BOTS .
Another grunt makez his way to the GHS , lowering the GP so Shovel #3 can make his way past the RSB and turn the Mound Into a Hole for the RSB to fall into..
All this has to be accomplished before the speed power-up wears off.
Shovel #3 now stands on the GHS near the Hole and Gauntletz #4, Bootz #7 and GunHat #5 join him.
GunHat #5 shootz the enemy Grunt ... once. SAVE ... if you're smart.
Gauntletz #4 and Bootz #7 (selected together) enter the arrow maze and when they approach the first TWA GunHat #5 shootz the enemy Grunt on the YHS again.
You must kill him and he must be off the YHS before the 2 gruntz reach the second TWA .
In the next section of arrows, Bootz #7 goes to the YTS and controls the arrows as Gauntletz #4 makes his way to the other side and breaks the Ice Crystal .
Place Gauntletz #4 and Bootz #7 on the PMGSez 
Are you ready to enter the area where you will learn to do the 'two-step'?