Spy gear #2
Springz #3
Gauntletz #4
Bricklayer #5
SpongeGun #7
Springz #3, Bricklayer #5 and SpongeGun #7 are merely observerz.
Spy gear #2 picks up the Bomb and makez a kamikaze run to take out the GBBz and one UGB to the left, leaving    .
Gauntletz #4 now lures the top enemy grunt so he blows up the GBB on the second column of bricks, leaving    .
Gauntletz #4 breakz the remaining brown Brickz to clear a path    to the third column of Brickz    (with upper tier Brown Brickz removed).
Gauntletz #4 lurez the other enemy Grunt into a kamikaze run, breaking the GBBz and one UGB on this column, leaving    .
The final column of Brickz    is all up to Gauntletz #4.
He breakz two (or maybe three) brown Brick layerz, then smashez the GBB , losing his Gauntletz , leaving    .
Bare-handed #4 immediately pickz up the Gauntletz . Gauntletz #4 again!
Gauntletz #4 returnz to the area where the 2 enemy Gruntz were, and explorez.
The two neediest Gruntz each chug-a-lug a Keg of Zap Cola .
All four proceed to their CPSz   . On to the next section.