Rockz Are Flying! 
Grunt(z) |
What to do to solve the mini-puzzle |
Shovel #1
GooberStraw #2
Shovel #1 and GooberStraw #2 (while dodging missilez from two enemy Gruntz  ) move through the GPz , Holez (all empty) and GTSz & GHSz .
GooberStraw #2 waitz on the last GHS in safety.
Shovel #1 crossez the Automatic Toggling Bridge (ATB), eliminatez the enemy Gruntz  , stepz on the BOTS , fillz the Hole (empty) to the east near the Yellow Goo Puddle .
GooberStraw #2 suckz up the 3 Goo Puddlez   .
Shovel #1 movez back south toward their former prison, digz up the Mound (revealing the coin ), fillz in the Hole under it, and collectz the Coin .
Then he movez to wait north of the two BPz .
Springz #3
Gauntletz #4
Toob #5
SpongeGun #7
When GooberStraw #2 and Shovel #1 are no longer dodging the missilez from the enemy Grunt , Gauntletz #4 and Spongegun #7 move to the northeast island to wait.
Toob #5 movez back to the BHS on the island where Springz #3 is standing, so he may move to the RPz  island.
Toob #5 movez back to the BHS on the island where Springz #3 is now standing, so he may move to the northeast island to wait.
Then Toob #5 movez to the BOTS to the north.
Shovel #1
GooberStraw #2
Springz #3
Gauntletz #4
Bare-handed #5
SpongeGun #7
Bare-handed #8
Shovel #1 standz on the BHS and all three Gruntz Gauntletz #4, Spongegun #7 and Springz #3 cross to join (now) Bare-handed #5.
Gauntletz #4 breakz the Ice Crystalz  and collectz the Coin , then standz a while on the PMGS .
Grunt #5 should pick up the Bricklaying tool and lay a brick on the Foundation tile to the east.
Drop the new Grunt #8 onto the nearby Grunt Creation Pad and move him to the PMGS .
Have GooberStraw #2 pick up the Spy gear .
Them move them both past the lowered PPz .
Grunt #8 usez the Megaphone .
Give the Gauntletz to Shovel #1.
Spy gear #2 revealz the true nature of the Brick Stackz , allowing Gauntletz #1 to break through the brown (appearing) Brickz field.
Gauntletz #1 breakz the top layerz of two stackz of Brickz  , leaving  , and the stack of Brickz down to a Foundation Tile to allow access the toggling RPz  area to the east.
Send Gauntletz #1 and Spy gear #2 to the 3 YHSez .
With Spy gear #2 controlling the 3 YHSez (flipping TWAz for safety) and the GHS , move Gauntletz #1 through the Arrowz.
Gauntletz #1 breakz all the Ice Crystalz  (they are all empty, just obstaclez).
Grunt #8 pickz up the Bomb and all 3 Gruntz Gauntletz #1, Spy gear #2 and Grunt #8 exit this area back to the Brickyard.