Springz #3
Gauntletz #4
Toob #5
SpongeGun #7
Toob #5, the only grunt properly equipped, paddlez toward the island to the east. Goal? The Blue Toggle Switch (BTS) in the northeast corner of the island.
Nearly there, an enemy grunt suddenly givez chase.
So he beatz a hasty retreat back to the LD and some 'muscle' to dissuade his chaser.
Braced by his buddiez he tauntz "Come and get me!"
Gauntletz #4 on one side, Springz #3 on the other (with Spongegun #7 behind one of them) it is four against one, and there is soon a quivering Goo Puddle on the LD . So Toob #5 returnz to his original task.
Toob #5 stepz on the BTS and it raisez ... the wrong Bridge !
Meanwhile, Gauntletz #4 movez across the Crumbling Bridge Tilez (CBT), breakz the Ice Crystalz   and collectz the Coinz .
Despairing of making progress on his island, Toob #5 paddlez northwest to taunt the enemy Grunt onto the BTS and the LD with the toob spikes.
Now Gauntletz #4 can cross the water and eliminate the (now) bare-handed Grunt.
Gauntletz #4 movez across the CBTz to the island to the south.
Gauntletz #4 breakz the Ice Crystalz    , pickz up the yo-yo and gulpz down the Zap Cola .
There are two BHSez , so he must select the correct one.
Making a decision is easy ... he can only reach one of them.
Standing on the BHS , he realizez he is stuck here!
(And only half a Bridge   was raised.)
Springz #3 sayz "Let me! Let Me!" ... and startz jumping.
He reachez the island, and jumpz to the other BHS ... and the Bridge    is complete! "Come on over ... there's lotz to do here!"
Spongegun #7 movez onto this island.
Spongegun #7 lobz a sponge at one of the Arrowz , and Gauntletz #4 stepz onto it and is free of the BHS .
Gauntletz #4 lurez the enemy Grunt onto the ice bridge ; givez him the Yo-yo and stepz on the BTS , removing his support. Aw! He couldn't swim.
Gauntletz #4 movez to the island to the east, breakz the Ice Crystalz  and pocketz the Coin .
Toob #5 movez onto the BHS on this island.
Gauntletz #4, Springz #3 and Spongegun #7 move onto the island with the toggling RPz  .
Spongegun #7 lobz a sponge at the Hole , and Gauntletz #4 stepz into the Hole just as it arrivez, and he quickly leavez the lowered RP .
Gauntletz #4 and Springz #3 move to the GHSez .
Spongegun #7 movez north of the GHSez .
Toob #5 movez onto the BHS on this island.
Spongegun #7 eliminatez the enemy Grunt on the northwest island, and the other two enemy Gruntz on the northeast island.
Have Gauntletz #4 break all the Ice Crystalz  on the 3 remaining islands and retrieve the Coinz .
Springz #3 pickz up the Beach Ball .
Move Gauntletz #4 to the PMGS on the northwest island.
Spongegun #7 moves to the PMGS on the center island.
Toob #5 movez back onto the BHS on the southeast island.
Springz #3 moves to thePMGS on the southeast island.
Toob #5 moves to the PMGS on the southwest island.
This freez GooberStraw #2 and Shovel #1 to the north. They are free to move now, but Rockz are flying!