Springz #3
Gauntletz #4
GooberStraw #5
SpongeGun #7
Gauntletz #4 breakz nine Ice Crystalz and pocketz three Coinz (Coinz #5, #6 and #7) and revealz a Bottle of Zap Cola . Does anyone really need it now?
SpongeGun #7 then 'encouragez' the enemy grunt to stand on the YHS .
Springz #3 findz a route to the GHS and standz there a while.
Gauntletz #4 stepz on an Arrow and stopz on a (lowered) GP and then breakz seven Ice Crystalz to clear the way to a BOTS a little to the east.
SpongeGun #7 then assistz Gauntletz #4 across a Hole to the west and then proceedz to fire spongez at the enemy grunt . Don't stop! Keep shooting!
Gauntletz #4 breakz four Ice Crystalz , yielding one Coin (Coin #8) and with help from Springz #3 turnz the already weakened enemy grunt into a quivering Goo Puddle .
Springz #3 bouncez past his buddy and stepz on the BOTS and continuez toward the east.
Gauntletz #4 followz along the lowered BPz and does what is necessary to remove four more Ice Crystalz .
Springz #3 landz on a Coin (Coin #9) and explorez a bit.
Then he returnz to the vicinty of "the reluctant partner", and headz for the Blue Hold Switch (BHS) ... where he waitz a while.
Meanwhile, SpongeGun #7 crossez two Spikez  tilez (Ouch! My feet!) and movez west. He takez aim at a Hole and letz fly with a sponge.
Satisfied, he headz back to the Landing Dock .
Gauntletz #4 (playing "wide receiver") interceptz the sponge and is propelled onto a (thankfully lowered) RP . A quick two-step placez him next to an Ice Crystal , so, naturally, he breakz it. That was so much fun that he goez all around the area, breaking Ice Crystalz . After a while he findz a Megaphone (Megaphone #3) between himself and the last three Ice Crystalz in sight, so he pickz it up. With nothing left to break, he headz back to join up with the other two team memberz. When he arrivez, he findz there is now a Bridge leading south, so he (and SpongeGun #7) crossez it. "Now how am I supposed to get past this?"
"No problemo." his buddy repliez. "I'll lob a sponge at the TWA (pointing the wrong way), and you just repeat your 'Wide Receiver' act". So they do, and Gauntletz #4 crossez.
What workz for Gauntletz #4 would also work for Springz #3 ... but leave SpongeGun #7 behind. So instead, just turn the "reluctant partner" into a Goo Puddle (since he will not leave his post!), to reverse the TWA .
Meanwhile, "back at the ranch" (er, below the Labyrinth) GooberStraw #5 has raided the GruntzMachine and turned into Ta-da! ... Toob #5.
All four gruntz move to take their placez on four CPSez    .
Next stop? The Big Central Lake!