Boomerang #3
Gauntletz #4
GooberStraw #5
SpongeGun #7
GooberStraw #5 standz on the center Green Hold Switch (GHS).
Gauntletz #4 breakz the six Ice Crystalz      he can reach.
Boomerang #3 followz grunt #4 and pickz up two Coinz (Coinz #3 and #4).
He may now make thingz a little easier for the team, at a small loss of health for himself.
He walkz as far east as he can go, with SpongeGun #7 close at hand.
SpongeGun #7 firez a sponge at the near Arrow , which arrivez just as grunt #3 stepz onto it, so that Boomerang #3 is between two Arrowz .
SpongeGun #7 firez a sponge at the far Arrow , which arrivez just as grunt #3 stepz onto it, so that Boomerang #3 is now past both Arrowz .
Boomerang #3 walkz north, then west, then south and eliminatez an enemy grunt .
He stepz on the nearest Arrow and rejoinz the rest of the team, resuming his original task.
Then he movez over the lowered GP to stand on the right Yellow Hold Switch (YHS) just inside the Labyrinth .
GooberStraw #5 movez to stand on the right GHS for a while.
SpongeGun #7 movez into the Labyrinth, past the (lowered) Red Pyramidz (RP) to stand on the YHS inside.
Gauntletz #4 movez into the Labyrinth, past the (lowered) RPz to stand on the GHS . If you have never SAVEd before, there is no time like the present!
Four things must now be done in quick succession:
- Start SpongeGun
#7 over the lowered GP and (lowered) RPz toward the GP .
- Gauntletz
#4 movez onto the Arrow .
- Boomerang
#3 movez to the other YHS .
- SpongeGun
#7 stepz onto the (now lowered) GP .
Do you want to do that again? No? Then SAVE!!!
SpongeGun #7 movez past the (lowered) RPz to the Arrow ... and safety.
It takez time, but eliminate the enemy grunt with twenty pink spongez.
Then step on the YHS to release Gauntletz #4 (who is probably muttering to himself about something).
Gauntletz #4 movez onto the Arrow north of SpongeGun #7 (who has fired a sponge at the Arrow northeast of him).
Sponge and grunt arrive at the same time, and grunt #4 is safe.
Gauntletz #4 movez to the Black One-Time Switch (BOTS).
SpongeGun #7 stepz onto the Arrow west of him, then followz the path grunt #4 took earlier, and standz on the (lowered) Black Pyramid (BP).
There is no getting out of it ... he must play "Ring around the Rosie" ... until Gauntletz #4 stepz on the Yellow Toggle Switch (YTS) at the proper time) to get him off the Two-Way Arrowz (TWA).
The problem is ... Gauntletz #4 must be ahead of SpongeGun #7!
Gauntletz #4 breakz the Ice Crystal blocking the Arrowz intersection and the next Ice Crystal as well. He standz just south of the GHS .
Do the following only if there is an enemy grunt still in the Labyrinth.
SpongeGun #7 stepz onto the east-pointing Arrow while Gauntletz #4 stepz onto the GHS , exchanging placez so that SpongeGun #7 may eliminate the enemy grunt . (If he is still tossing Rockz , life is very difficult!)
With one grunt standing on the upper GHS , the other grunt stepz on the Arrow and then past the lowered RPz to stand on the lower GHS .
The grunt leavez the upper GHS and stepz onto the Arrow , which takez him to a (lowered) GP . When the RPz lower , he movez south to the next GP . Repeat, to get to the Megaphone .
Boomerang #3 takez the new Tool from the GruntzMachine.
Springz #3 enterz the Labyrinth and movez up north to step on the BOTS and then stand on the YHS .
Gauntletz #4, followed by SpongeGun #7 move to join Springz #3.
Gauntletz #4 breakz an Ice Crystal , then stepz onto an Arrow , arriving when the RPz are lowered , and movez down to break Ice Crystalz until all seventeen of them are gone. Then he pickz up the Warp letter 'W' and returnz north.
He standz on the northern Purple Multi-Grunt Switch (PMGS) and waitz for SpongeGun #7 to make his way to the other PMGS .
Springz #3 followz the same route grunt #7 took, but is able to pass the (now lowered) Purple Pyramid (PP).
When the RPz are lowered , he jumpz on the BOTS .
Gauntletz #4 stepz on the Arrow and exitz the Labyrinth, and movez left or right ... SpongeGun #7 will soon follow, and movez right or left, once again clearing the space for the next grunt to come through.
Springz #3 exitz the Labyrinth, and jumpz across a Hole to stand on a YHS , allowing Gauntletz #4 and SpongeGun #7 to cross into the territory of the reluctant 'partner'