Bare-handed #3
Bare-handed #4
Bare-handed #5
Bare-handed grunt #4 standz on the eastern Purple Multi-Grunt Switch (PMGS) and Bare-handed grunt #5 standz on the western PMGS to lower the Purple Pyramidz (PP) while Bare-handed grunt #3 pickz up the Bricklaying toolz .
Send Bricklayer #3 through the arrowz and Rolling SnowBallz (RSB).
After getting to the opening to the northwest of the enemy grunt , use the tool to lay a Brick on the Foundation tile to break the RSBz rolling around the enemy grunt's plateau.
Do NOT lay a Brick on the Foundation tile immediately to the west.
Lay Brickz on the three Foundation tilez to break the 3 remaining RSBz and exit to the northwest. Swap places on the PMGS with grunt #4.
Send this grunt across the arrowz to retrieve the Gauntletz .
Gauntletz #4 breakz the Brick next to where you found the Gauntletz, and the two Ice Crystalz  .
Pick up the Coin and the Megaphone and exit to the northwest.
Break the stack of Brickz to the west.
Bricklayer #3 stepz on the Yellow Toggle Switch (YTS) to release the RSB and immediately layz a Brick on the Foundation tile to break the RSB .
Gauntletz #4 breakz this Brick , allowing Bare-handed grunt #5 to "do the Curly Shuffle" (step on the YTS , perhapz twice) to step on the Green Toggle Switch (GTS) to lower the Green Pyramidz (GP).
Gauntletz #4 then helpz Bare-handed grunt #5 to rejoin the team.
Bare-handed grunt #5 takez the GooberStraw from the GruntzMachine, becoming GooberStraw #5.
Think you are ready for the Bricklayer's puzzle?