Goo Puddlez
# of 4 X Y Source ... in the order the Designer expectz them to be acquired
1 26 32 ... , originally in the central Thundercloudz area (but it may end up anywhere!).
2 30 34 ... , in the central Thundercloudz area (already just a puddle when you get there).
3 20 42 ... , originally in the central Thundercloudz area.
4 30 43 ... , originally in the central Thundercloudz area.
Bare-handed Grunt #2 may be entered into the game at this time.
Give him Gauntletz (Tool #7)
1 25 39 ... , originally in the central Thundercloudz area.
2 22 36 ... , originally in the central Thundercloudz area.
3 11 13 ... , on a plateau surrounded by Mushrooms when the puzzle began.
4 3 13 ... , on a plateau surrounded by Holez when the puzzle began.
Bare-handed Grunt #3 may be entered into the game at this time.
Give him a Boomerang (Tool #9)
1 36 62 ... , 'protected' by a Hole at the southern end of the area with Jumping Golf Ballz.
2 17 62 ... , on the plateau on the eastern edge of the area with Jumping Golf Ballz.
3 17 58 ... , on the plateau on the eastern edge of the area with Jumping Golf Ballz.
4 17 54 ... , on the plateau on the eastern edge of the area with Jumping Golf Ballz.
Bare-handed Grunt #4 may be entered into the game at this time.
Give him the Shovel (Tool #10).
Gruntz #5, #6 and #7 ... Gruntz #8, #9 and #10(?)