may do these in different sequencez

No.TypeXYto Xto YGruntLandz where ... has .... does what?
12Blue51215248_#1an ordinary Tile north by northwest of where the Warpstone is in plain sight.
A 'shortcut' for turning enemy Gruntz into Goo .
Caution: A Black Pyramid (BP) blockz the way south, so Wingz has to be nearby to activate the Black One-Time Switch (BOTS) that lowerz it.
13Blue63216248_#2an ordinary Tile north by northeast of where the Warpstone is in plain sight.
A 'shortcut' for additionz to the Goo Well.
(See the Caution: in Wormhole #12.)
14Red57572333_#4a lowered Green Pyramid (GP) near his CheckPoint Switch (CPS) .
15Red13574733_#5to a lowered GP near a Scroll CPS.
16Blue59515116_#3an ordinary Tile north of, and between the Warp letterz 'W' and 'A'.
A 'shortcut' for Wingz toward his CPS.
17Blue8483118_#1an ordinary Tile north of the southwest corner.
A 'shortcut' towardz the Boomerang CPS.
18Red9345726_#2on a lowered GP near a Scroll to resurrect Grunt #7.
19Red61343918_#2on an ordinary Tile ... a 'shortcut' toward his CPS.

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