Help Boxez
Page 11: 33308 - 33322

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Smarts: 33???
ID Text of Help Box (Usable ID numberz are Orange)
33308 When in doubt, blow stuff up! Remember that when you tell a bomb Grunt to light his bomb, he will run very fast. Just stand out of the path of the rolling ball, use the action optionz to select the bombz icon, and then go!
33309 Take a look at your Gruntz machine on the status bar. If you see a shovel inside it, that means that there is still a megaphone somewhere on the level that you haven't picked up yet. Hmm. . .now what could you possibly need a shovel for?
33310 You can't take on a goober strawz grunt with your bare handz. You had better make a run for those gauntletz!
33311 Watch out for plane shadowz! If a plane flies over one of your Gruntz, it will drop a large package on the ground that will squash any Gruntz that are underneath it.
33312 Although sponge gunz are the weakest of all the long-range toolz, whenever you hit an enemy Grunt with a sponge gun ball, the enemy Grunt will be pushed backward. Sponge guns work just like all the other long-range toolz. You can fire them to any location that is within range.
33313 Remember, it's always a good idea to save your game before you attempt difficult puzzlez. Have you saved your game lately?
33314 Watch out for star search spotlightz! If a star search spotlight passes over a Grunt, that Grunt will be forced to sing Karaoke. Once he shows that he cannot sing, a hole will open underneath him and take him out of the spotlight and out of the game.
33315 Patience is a virtue. It might be a good idea to wait for the large gap between the groups of 8-ballz before you move on!
33316 When you give pogo stickz to an enemy Grunt, he will bounce around the map randomly until the pogo stick breaks.
33317 Welder's kitz shoot fireballz and are the most powerful long-range toolz in the game. In fact, a single fireball will kill most Gruntz! To use welder's kitz, either right-click on an enemy Grunt, or use the action optionz to select the welder's icon and then left-click to fire it.
33318 The spinning crest on the other side of the steps is an invulnerability powerup. Walking into a hole or being run over by a rolling ball will kill a Grunt with invulnerability, but an invulnerable Grunt cannot be damaged by enemy Gruntz or by explosions.
33319 An orange scroll will cast a resurrection spell. Resurrection spellz will turn all goo puddlez nearby into Gruntz! Resurrected Gruntz come back to life with only a little bit of health.
33320 Ever heard of safe spotz? Safe spotz are spaces that Gruntz can stand forever and nothing will hurt them. Always look to see if there are any safe spotz in the middle of difficult puzzlez such as this one. If you find any safe spotz, get your Gruntz to them.
33321 This level is a bit different from the previous levelz. Your first goal is to get the gauntletz and get into the teleporter. In order to do this, you will need to release the giant 8-ball to the left. Watch the 8-ball closely as you progress. . .if it breaks, you lose.
33322 Nice job! Ya know, it's times like these when it's a really good idea to save your game.

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