
No. X Y Description of where the object is found
1 1 15 In plain sight (well, hidden behind some treez) south of the King's Fortress.
2 7 10 In plain sight on the small island in the King's Fortress "Bad water" pool. (It's a Secret!)
3 7 9 In plain sight on the small island in the King's Fortress "Bad water" pool. (Same secret.)
4 33 19 In plain sight near two (unreachable) Goo Puddlez (formerly enemy Gruntz as protectorz), in the "Tic-Tac-Toe" area of toggling Green Pyramidz (GP).
Take these four Coinz in any order, any way you can.
5 39 19 In plain sight in the same area.
6 39 23 In plain sight in the same area.
7 33 23 In plain sight in the same area.
8 28 26 In plain sight near the southeast corner of the large pool of water.
Reachable when a Question Mark Switch (QMS) is pressed.
9 1 27 In plain sight near an enemy Grunt (potential Goo Puddle) as protector.
10 1 28 In plain sight near the same enemy Grunt as protector.
11 17 33 In plain sight near an enemy Grunt (potential Goo Puddle) as protector.
12 30 32 Buried in the middle Hole (of five) north of a Blue Wormhole (BW).
13 32 47 In plain sight, surrounded by Silver Pyramidz (SP).