(intended to be only one until the next to the last move)
In every square the primary objective is to find the Blue Wormhole (BW) and exit.

No. Sq. X Y Tool(z)/Toy(z) What he does there
1 G5 96 54 SpongeGun Works that "not so manly a weapon" to earn a promotion to Knight (albeit the lowest ranking one).
You have one not-so-obvious goal in this square.
2 H7 101 26 Gauntletz Breaks Sugar Cubez (small and large), collects a Coin (#01), and activates a Blue Toggle Switch (BTS) and exits.
3 F8 82 12 Gauntletz Finds a BTS, activates it and exits.
4 E6 68 39 Gauntletz Lands on a Landing Dock and encounters a suicidal enemy Grunt .
Steps lively to a Yellow Toggle Switch (YTS) to dump a Rolling Olive into the drink.
Checks some BTSs, activates them, collects a Coin (#02) and exits.
5 G7 85 28 Gauntletz Finds a Blue Hold Switch (BHS), encourages an enemy Grunt to move off of it (deactivates it) and exits.
6 E8 69 2 Gauntletz Breaks a Sugar Cube and may down a can of Zap Cola .
Finds a BTS, activates it and exits.
7 D6 46 34 Gauntletz Breaks a Sugar Cube and finds a Scroll .
Finds a BTS, activates it and exits.