{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Activate Secret Teleporter - retrieve "W" at destination and return\par Make way past Snowballz and one way arrowz\par Watch out for Suicide Bomber\par Play cat and mouth with Timebomer being careful to avoid Rockthrowerz and collect itemz as you make your way north.\par Pick up your toob and go swimming\par Dispatch enemy Toobzgrunt (Hint: Lead him over to the three Rockthrowerz and let them do the dirty work) \par Grab yourself some zap cola.\par Make way over to platform by the 5 Rockthrowerz and looze the toob, trade it in for a spongzgun\par Collect coinz and trigger second secret teleporter. Collect coinz and "A" at destination return to original location.\par Go across toggle bridge and get Zap cola.\par Carefully posiztion yourself to dispatch the enemy Swordgrunt then cross the spikez and green pyramidz to next area.\par Dispatch the Three Rockthrowerz to release the Yellow arrow switchez.\par Step on Green Pyramid Switch to lower pyramidz around Gauntletz, Grab a zap cola, then grab your Gauntletz.\par Make way past second set of Rolling Snowballz and over the lowered Green pyramidz to First Checkpoint.\par Watching which arrow you chooze, break rockz on other side of arrowz. Grab SqueakToy and Step on Yellow Arrow Switch, releasing Rolling Snowball.\par Use the SpyGrunt to seek out correct brickz to break\par Give Squeaktoy to SwordGrunt and Use Megaphone\par Move both Gruntz past red pyramid maze to next set of Brickz, use Spygrunt again, Break Brickz, loose Gauntlez, give Shovel to barehanded Grunt.\par Shovel the holez (they are rediggablez) and put your Spygruntz on northern platform.\par Take ShovelGruntz over Breakable tilez to next section.\par Dispatch GloveGruntz (most easily done in a counterclockwise fashion) \par DIg all holez and retrieve items and use megaphone\par Trigger Third Secret teleporter (pointed to by holez) \par Make Use of the SuicideBomerz to break Giant Rock. Collect itemz and "R" Return to original destination\par Put on Sprinz and jump past more breakable tilez and onto platform by spikez field.\par Using your "fancy footwork" Retrieve coinz and use megaphone.\par Once at the edge of the field by rockz, put on gauntletz and get to work "breaking stuff"\par Make way over to Blue Bridge Toggle Switch and stand on it to let Spygruntz over the river and to the Brickz.\par Break the correct Brickz and let Spygrunt grab to GoKart. Move Both Gruntz to Second Checkpoint.\par Jump into Teleporter to reach next area, preferably SpyGruntz First.\par Find Correct Brickz to break and break them. Send Spygruntz past sword grunt to get shovel then hand sword grunt the GoKart.\par If Swordgruntz does not drive into a hole and is in your way, restart at last save until he does.\par DIg up holez and collect itemz, making your way to the south end of the island.\par Send Gauntlez grunt over toggle bridge tilez first, to deal with the Bricklayerz.\par Send Shovel Grunt over next\par Dig up holez and retrieve coinz and zap cola needed to move on to next battle.\par Repeat the battle and digging until you reach the next set of Rolling Snowballz.\par Use shovel Grunt to dig hole for Rolling Snowball to fall into\par If you dug all the holez you should have found a megaphone to get you Bricklaying Toolz\par Give them to Gauntletz Grunt, grab a Roidz and lay some brick.\par Make way in this fashion past Rolling Snowballz and spikez filed and to next set of Rolling Snowballz.\par Continue to lay brickz grabbing the other Roidz as you go\par Send Shovel Grunt over the breaking tilez in the mudpit to grap megaphone and Gauntletz(watch your feet)\par Send Bricklayer over one way arrowz and lay more brickz to get to Gravity Bootz.\par Make way over spike path and field to collect coinz and give the enemy Sword Grunt the babywalker (called for by megaphone)\par After Sword Grunt goes buh bye into a hole and releases the Blue Bride Toggle Switch, make way back over path and now over the bridge to Third Checkpoint.\par Collect hidden itemz and send gauntletz grunt past the Rolling Snowballz to the rockz and break them. You SHould find a POGO Stick. \par Give to Enemy Sword Grunt and watch him go buh bye. \par Trigger Fourth (and last) Secret teleporter (pointed tow by arrowz) using the Gauntletz grunt\par Make Your way around the island collecting coinz and watching out for Suicide Bomerz. Grab the last "P" warpletter and go back to orignial desitnation.\par Make way past holez and over to Yellow arrow toggle switchez. Step on each one to get rid of some ballz.\par Make way past ROlling Snowballz to the arrow maze.\par Sending only ONE grunt at a time, make way past the arrow maze and to the Red pyramid maze.\par Send Gauntlez grunt through the pyramid maze so he can break the Giant Rock, then let him grab the Warpstone.\par Take both gruntz to Fourth Checkpoint.\par Send Gravity Boot Gruntz through the maze and grabbing the coinz and the spingz by bridge platform. Send him over the breakable tilez and activate Blue Bridge Toggle Switche\par Take the Warpstone grunt carefully through the maze, over the brige and home.\par ~~~Congrats, you won~~~\par \par \par }