Attack Of The Boomerang Gruntz ( Custom level by Snower )
Story by IdleAl

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The barehanded Grunt strolls down to the opening in the trees, avoiding missteps into Holez.
Avoiding thrown objects, he picks up some Wingz.
Decision time: blow the enemy Boomerang Grunt out of the puzzle, or ignore him (avoiding weapons)?
Wise choice? Blow him away. Or he'll torment you some more later on, besides keeping you on your toes avoiding bent pieces of wood.
You shouldn't need it, but there is a Bottle of Zap Cola on the other side of the pond.
Chances are, you find more bent wood heading your way ... avoid them!
Once again, do you do away with the enemy Boomerang Grunt throwing stuff at you, or just ignore him?
When in doubt, remove the opposition.
Pick up the Gauntletz and break out of the confinement. Look around. See anything shiny?
Watch your step, gather up things, such as the Springz. Thirsty? Zap Cola refreshes.
Boingy, boingy. Across the polluted water to ... more Zap Cola (you cannot avoid this one).
Stepping lively, your Springz break, leaving you barehanded (er, bareFOOTed) with lots of bent pieces of wood flying your way.
You're going to have to learn to do the "Curly Shuffle" ... fast!
Hot foot it, with head down, but watching for flying objects until you reach a safe place.
You probably have a few welts from things that did not miss ... you!
That Keg of Zap Cola entices you, but flying things need to be avoided.
You can see a Warp Letter 'W', but there is no way to reach it ... yet.
Avoiding flying objects, you make your way northeast. The Warpstone Piece!
Not yet! Don't pick it up with unfriendly enemy Boomerang Gruntz within range.
You need some muscle ... like the Gauntletz north of you. Go get 'em!
Now armed, dispose of the two enemy Gruntz. Then find something to break!
Now you can pick up a Coin. But avoid that Question Mark Switch!
Have you SAVEd lately? Now would be a good time.
Step on it ... and move! Somewhere, something is happening. Want that Warp Letter 'W'?
You may have time to turn two enemy Gruntz into Goo Puddles.
But be sure you grab the prize, and hope the 'door' is still open for your exit.
NOW you may pick up the Warpstone Piece and take it to the King.