About: Central Park

One day I was looking at a map of Central Park in midtown Manhattan, and I was once again reminded of the beauty and variety that is there. There are many bodies of water, cultural centers and places to just hang out and have fun. I thought that with a little imagination, I could make a Central Park in the land of Groan. Of course, with all those Gruntz hanging out there, you never know whether they will be friendz or those Disgruntledz. So watch out!

 The names of the bodies of water from north to south are:

 The Meer (upper right with a very small beaver pond on its lower left side)

 The Pool (left side)

 The Reservoir (large body central right side)

 The Turtle Pond (very small below the spikes)

 The Lake (on the left) and the Duck Pond (on the right)

 The Pond (lower right)

Other placez of interest are:

The Ravine (the bridge takes you into it)

The Gardenz (the arrowz will take you there)

The Museum of Switchez (self-explanatory)

The Gold Pyramid

The Fort (of course!)

Since I’m pretty sure Gruntz don’t eat, I didn’t bother putting in a Tavern (you know. . . On the Green!)