Where to start:

Bare-handed Grunt:Head east and quickly go through the Rolling Rockz. Is there a Tool laying around anywhere? Pick it up!
Gauntletz Grunt:Find something to break! You may pocket any Coinz you may find. When you have broken everything breakable in this area, go back through the Rolling Rockz and find something else to break. Coinz are always nice to have! Then head for the bridge. There is a toggling bridge stone to and back again that will prove a challenge, especially since the stonez on either side of it don't look too stable . Have you SAVEd lately? When you reach the other side, give the enemy Rock-thrower Grunt 'what for' for tossing thingz at you! Refresh yourself with a bit of Zap Cola, if necessary, then exchange those Gauntletz for a Toob.
Toobz Grunt:Paddle down the river, eliminating enemy Toobz Gruntz that get in your way. How? "Use the Force (er, Arrowz), Luke." There is field of Arrowz with some Yellow Toggle Switchez and a sprinkled amongst them. You have read all About this puzzle, haven't you? Next is something that lookz like a clock face and a bunch of and another . (Yes, you do have to go through this, so don't ask again!) Go back up-river to the Tar Pit. Cross the bridge, and pick up a Coin (don't get greedy!) along the way. Are you beginning to get a bit annoyed with these Rock-throwing Gruntz? There should be a Shovel lying around in plain view somewhere ... go get it first ... you'll need it!
Shovel Grunt:Use that "Super-Duper Pooper Scooper" to turn that Grunt into a puddle of Goo. Now you may take your time finding out what is in those z. Now head north across the Tar Pit and pick up another Coin along the way. It is a rather messy area, with a lot of unsightly z and z, so clean it up a bit, please. You may want to "pop a few pills". (Yes, you may keep the Coinz you may find.) You see an enemy Sword Grunt pacing around a , so you know you will have to take him on. Do you have anything useful, such as some sort of PowerUp?
Toobz Grunt:You can see a Coin on the Crumble Bridge leading back to the river, so you retrieve it. Head down river towardz the Warpstone piece ... carefully avoiding it, and any other obstaclez along the way. You have to go stand on the and release the Rolling Rock, so it convertz the submerged Bridge Stonez to (something you may walk on) for you. Once that is accomplished, you may paddle over to the island and pick up the Warpstone piece.
Warpstone Grunt:When you pick up the Warpstone, you have to step lively to make it across the Toggling Bridge to the King’z Fortress.