“GOLFING WITH GRUNTZ” Walkthrough by Oldone
Here we have a simple game of golf. Well. . . you do have to jump through a few hoopz, and we won’t be using golf clubz or ballz, and our rest period at the club house is not so restful, but basically it’s just a simple game of golf. I personally don’t think it’s terribly hard, but you might want to save before you start each hole. Just to be prudent, you know?
Hole #1: We don’t actually put anything into the hole here. We just get the gauntletz, step on the switchez and progress to the next hole. (There is a BOTS on every hole. You will need to press them all in order to get to the King’s fort at the 18th.
Hole #2: Hmmm. There doesn’t seem to be a hole here. One of these worm holes will probably take us to it. (Save) Choose carefully, you’ll want to get that coin on the way there. OK! Now, we get to start playing golf. The object is to get the enemy into the hole so that we can progress. Pretty easy huh?
Hole #3: You could do this in your sleep! Simply go to the light spot in the grass, shoot the enemy into the hole, get the shovel and start digging. When you’re done, you leave. How hard is that? Oh and by the way. . .The hole with the flag never has anything in it. No need to dig these.
Hole #4: Dig all the holez/moundz. There seems to be something behind that danger sign. Shoot the enemy to the next switch. Go as far as you can and shoot again. Repeat. (Be careful not to get too close) After you pick up the coin in the corner, go to the purple switch and shoot again.
Hole #5: It’s a little hard to see here, so what do we do? Shoot him to the first arrow? The second? Or maybe the third? That’s why we save. You want him to go to the yellow toggle switch. Once there you can go and pick up the first coin at the top of the first CandyHole. Continue left and then down to the switch and the coinz. When you’re directly to the left of the enemy, shoot one last time. Then go left and get the rest of the goodiez and the last switch.
Hole #6: Follow the bouncing ballz. At the last coin, shoot both enemiez once. Go back to the bottom safe spot and shoot the top grunt onto the switch. Then go to the top safe spot and shoot the bottom grunt. Then go through the LavaHole and finish up.
Hole #7: Whoops, lost my gun. And here’s another danger sign! Ok, let’s work on that grunt. Stand in front of him and punch. Quickly go to the dark spot and punch him to the light spot. Step into the next spot. Shoot him to the hole. Oh yea, you have been remembering to step on a black switch at every hole haven’t you?
Hole #8: I think we need to be pretty quick here. Without hesitating, stand in front of the enemy and punch. Then step onto the switch. When he’s at the end, you may continue to the next enemy.
Hole #9: Ugh! More spikez. Get those coinz and go through the LavaHole. If you don’t come out the other side, you forgot to get a coin. Get the spongegun and watch. As soon as the arrowz appear, shoot the enemy.
Well, you’ve gone half way and now you can get a cold one at the club house. Well, maybe not! Go to the north and gently ease around that bomber. Lure him to run to the mushroomz and pick up the new stuff. Get all the coinz, and kill a couple of enemiez. You don’t need any goo so if he can’t reach you, you can leave him alone. After everything has been broken and you got all the goodiez, pick up the toobz and swim to the bottom purple switch.
Hole #10: Whoa! Here we are back on the course. We’ll need those bootz to get started. Get the coinz and then get the wingz. Definitely save here. Wingz are very unpredictable. And don’t get too close until he’s gone through the first arrow.
Hole #11: Good thing we had wingz but now we go back to the spongegun. I’m sure you can figure this one out. Just don’t get too close.
Hole #12: Good grief! More arrowz. Check them carefully. You just might have to shoot him off one set and onto another. Then be careful which ones you take. Going back to the shovel, we get to dig some more. Yea!
Hole #13: This is really the only tricky hole so save. The first thing you dig are the moundz in the opposite color. Then you have to make a choice. Do you want the ball to go through the left, middle or right. You can’t see under that blasted TreeHole so who knows what will happen. Give it a try. Once the ball has gone the proper way, look around. There are some light spotz in the grass. See what happens when you step on them.
Hole #14: Hah! Piece o’ cake.
Hole #15: Not too hard. Just be sure to go down the correct arrow, break the mushroomz, get the glovez and then pick up the coinz.
Hole #16: Again, not too hard. Don’t forget to pick up the toy.
Hole #17: More spikez. Whoops, lose those springz, get the gun and shoot. Be prepared to move to the checkpoint switch quickly. Now you should be able to waltz right into
Hole #18: the fort. Did you get a perfect??