Grunt(z) |
Doing what needz to be done |
Bare-handed grunt #3
(free to move) |
With the help of an enemy grunt , eliminatez the other enemy grunt to the north.
Get the Baby-Walker ((Toy #1)) and return to the area between the two small griddlez (note the arrow in the tile work floor).
Select the Baby-Walker and drop it on the other side of the divided wall.
Step on the Black One-Time Switch (BOTS) in the northeast corner of the level.
This will free the Bare-handed gruntz #1 and #2 at the starting position. |
Bare-handed grunt #2 (on the left) |
Pick up the Baby-Walker , take it to the CheckPoint Switch (CPS) to the northwest (lowering the CheckPoint Pyramidz ... CPP).
Step on the Blue Toggle Switch (BTS).
You don't need the Toy anymore, so why not just drop it on the CPS ?
Return to the starting area.
Bare-handed grunt #1
(on the right) |
Navigate the maze of spice bottles (just click on the Shovel ) and get the Tool (Tool #1).
There are six Holez      and three Moundz   you can reach easily ... one is under your feet!
Backtrack through the maze using the Shovel to reveal a pair of Gauntletz (Tool #2), two Coinz (Coinz #1 and #2) and get the Warp letter 'W' . |
Bare-handed grunt #3
(in less than perfect health) |
Leave the BOTS and pick up the Gauntletz .
Break all four Sugar Cubez    that are nearby, without annoying the enemy grunt ... or satisfying your thirst !!!
Gauntletz #3
(the more aggressive grunt) and
Shovel grunt #1
(in perfect health) |
'Gang up on' the enemy grunt , with grunt #3 beginning one step closer to the enemy than grunt #2.
It is important here that the Shovel grunt #2 takez NO damage, but helpz with eliminating the enemy grunt .
Shovel grunt #1 |
Leery of the task ahead of him, fillz the first Hole in the Spikez /Holez maze.
From this Mound , move the Shovel grunt over the Spikez to the Green Hold Switch .
Do not stop to fill any Holez now. Wait patiently there until grunt #3 finishez his task. (You may make use of the waiting time by filling in the two Holez you can reach from where you are standing, but only one needz to become a Mound .)
Gauntletz grunt #3 |
Pickz up the Jump Rope ((Toy #2)) and deposits it on the other side of the wall where the Baby Walker was dropped.
Then break the two groups of Sugar Cubez and step on the BOTS (perhapz breaking one last Sugar Cube before you do).
Exit this area beyond the Green Pyramidz (GP). |
Bare-handed grunt #2 |
Pickz up the Jump Rope and takez it to the CPS 
Step on the Green Toggle Switch (GTS).
You don't need the Toy anymore, so why not just drop it on the CPS ?
Return to the starting area.
Now have him traverse the moving walkway across the water and wait for the Monster Wheel .
Shovel grunt #1 |
Now movez to the Mound and fills the Holez until he is halfway back out through the Spikez field.
From here, he can walk the rest of the way out and get the Keg of Zap Cola .
There is a Coin (Coin #3) in a Hole before the first Gauntletz and Shovel CPSz  � find it?
Gauntletz grunt #3
and Shovel grunt #1 |
Move the gruntz into position.
Shovel grunt #1 has to continue through the CPS to one of the Spikez tilez before the CPPz are all the way up or he will be trapped.
Then he fillz in the Hole and digz up the Mound in the center of the three arrowz to reveal the Question Mark Switch .
Meanwhile, Gauntletz #3 breakz the Giant pile of Sugar Cubez
which revealz two Moundz 
one containz a Coin , the other containz a Tool.
Shovel grunt #1 then digz up the Moundz to reveal the GooberStraw (left there, for now) and a Coin (Coin #4).
Dig up the Mound and watch the Rolling Olive drop into the Hole . (If no one stepz on the BTS in the path of the departed Rolling Olive , there will be two pieces of cereal in the water to the west that are always visible.)
Have you SAVEd lately? What happenz if Gauntletz #3 stepz on the Question Mark Switch ?
If you were too slow, aren't you glad you listened to me?
Gauntletz grunt #3 now standz on the Yellow Hold Switch (YHS) with the circling Kitchen Slime. (His work is done.)
Shovel #1 picks up the GooberStraw (Tool #3).
GooberStraw grunt #1 |
Suckz up the 3 goo puddlez   and enterz the arrow maze so he getz the Monster Wheel (Toy #3).
He continues through the maze to the Yellow Toggle Switch (YTS) and stepz on the Intersection Arrow to the south.
He stepz on the BOTS . Now is a good time to SAVE!
He now has to take out the six enemy gruntz      below (preferably one at a time) and suck up each goo puddle      left behind.
He then picks up the Toob (Tool #4).
Toob grunt #1 |
Swim across the water to get the Coin (Coin #5) and then further north to the divided wall section.
Drop the Monster Wheel on the other side of the wall.
Bare-handed grunt #2 |
Pickz up the Monster Wheel and takez it across the Toggling Cereal  tilez to the CPS 
Step on the Orange Up/Down Switch (OU/DS).
You don't need the Toy anymore, so why not just drop it on the CPS ?
Return to the starting area.
Now have him traverse the moving walkway across the water and wait for the YoYo .
Toob grunt #1 |
Swim back across the water to get the Yo-Yo (Toy #4) in the field where the six enemy gruntz were.
He has to drop it the same place that he dropped the Monster Wheel earlier.
Paddle down to the southwest Landing Dock ... and puncture your Toob.
Bare-handed grunt #1 |
Wait for someone (new!) to lower the GP blocking your way. |
Bare-handed grunt #4 |
Dropped into the puzzle on a GruntCreationPad , there is not a lot of room to move around in ... except to the GHS . |
Bare-handed grunt #1 and
Bare-handed grunt #4 |
Both gruntz move to the two CPSz  .
Dodging aerial missilez, and using a "leap frog" method, the gruntz pass through the two set of Red Pyramidz and Green Pyramidz .
One of them (for the purpose of this walk-through, say it is grunt #1) pickz up the Gauntletz and "takez it to" the two enemy gruntz  who were tossing those aerial missilez.
(Now) Gauntletz grunt #1 breakz one of the Sugar Cubez the enemy gruntz were guarding, revealing some refreshing Zap Cola , another one revealz more Zap Cola ... and the last revealz a set of Wingz !
The grunt most in need of refreshment downz the Bottle of Zap Cola and then the grunt most in need of refreshment (it could be the same grunt!) downz the Can of Zap Cola .
Grunt #4 pickz up the Wingz and becomez Wingz grunt #4.
Gauntletz grunt #1 and
Wingz grunt #4 |
Both gruntz now proceed beyond the 2 rowz of electrical outletz  .
Wingz grunt #4 must now fly northwest to the Landing Dock and then southwest over to the Blue Hold Switch (BHS).
Gauntletz grunt #1 crossez the raised Bridge to the Landing Dock .
Wingz grunt #4 may be distracted by something interesting.
Wingz grunt #4 then walkz across the automatic Bridge tilez to join Gauntletz grunt #1 on the other Landing Dock .
Wingz grunt #4 then walkz across the Crumbling Bridge to pick up the Pogo Stick (Toy #5) and then fliez back (probably losing his Wingz as he landz).
Gauntletz grunt #1 stepz on the BHS and (now) Bare-handed grunt #4 walkz north across the raised Bridge to trigger the BTS and east to his CPS .
Gauntletz grunt #1 walkz around the Crumbling Bridge and across the raised Bridge to his own CPS .
Gauntletz grunt #1 and
Bare-handed grunt #4 |
Gauntletz grunt #1 movez through the Rolling Olivez and Arrowz section.
He breakz the Sugar Cubez  , getz the Warp letter 'P' , stepz on the BOTS and step on the right OU/DS .
Teamwork time!!!
Gauntletz grunt #1 operatez the OU/DS  |
while Bare-handed grunt #4 movez through the Pyramidz |



Bare-handed grunt #4 depositz the Pogo Stick on the other side of the divided wall to the north.
Gauntletz grunt #1 breakz the three Sugar Cubez   to reveal a Coin (Coin #7) and a Squeak Toy (Toy #6).
Gauntletz grunt #1 depositz the Squeak Toy on the other side of the divided wall.
Using the Silver Timer Switchez , send Gauntletz grunt #1 to the west side of the Silver Pyramidz (SP).
Gauntletz grunt #1 pickz up the Beach Ball (Toy #7).
There is another Question Mark Switch here ... what do you think that does?
Gauntletz grunt #1 movez back across the SPz so he can deposit the Beach Ball on the other side of the wall.
Bare-handed grunt #5 |
Dropped into the puzzle on a GruntCreationPad , the grunt immediately comez under fire, so move! Where? Go get that Pogo Stick !
He carriez it to where it will be handy for Bare-handed grunt #2 to put away, then returnz to the place where he received the toy.
He may find another toy waiting there for him ... or he waitz for it.
Some delay expected here.
He pickz up the Squeak Toy and takes it to Bare-handed grunt #2 to put away, then returnz to the place where he received the toy.
Some delay expected here.
He pickz up the Beach Ball and takes it to Bare-handed grunt #2 to put away, then wanderz down to wait at the south end of the gully.
Bare-handed grunt #2 |
Pickz up the Yo-Yo and takez it across the Toggling Cereal  tilez to where he pickz up a Bomb (Tool #5) and waitz for the Purple Pyramidz (PP) to go down , so he can move to the CPS .
Some delay expected here.
Step on the YTS , changing the Two-Way Arrow from north-pointing to south-pointing .
You don't need the Toy anymore, so why not just drop it on the CPS ?
Shuttle on back to where Bare-handed grunt #5 left a Pogo Stick in a ToyBox.
Shuttle back to the CPS and step on the BTS .
You don't need the Toy anymore, so why not just drop it on the CPS ?
Shuttle on back to where Bare-handed grunt #5 left a Squeak Toy in a ToyBox.
Shuttle back to the CPS, but DO NOT step on the OU/DS yet.
You don't need the Toy anymore, so why not just drop it on the CPS ?
Gauntletz grunt #1, Bare-handed grunt #4 and Bare-handed grunt #5 go back to work.
Some delay expected here.
The squeak toy grunt picks up the beach ball, steps on the orange