
No. X Y Description of where the object is found
1 42 17 Under the Giant Ice Crystal

which revealz a Black One-Time Switch (BOTS),
an Ice Crystal (containing a Time Bomb ),
and three CheckPoint Switchez (CPS).

2 36 21 In plain sight atop a Black One-Time Switch (BOTS).
3 41 2 Under the Giant Ice Crystal

which revealz four raised CheckPoint Pyramidz (CPP),
a CheckPoint Switch (CPS),
and four lowered CPPz .

4 16 3 In plain sight, partly hidden under a tree.
5 11 2 In plain sight on a Landing Dock (LD) next to Crumbling Bridge Tilez (CBT).
6 25 5 In plain sight on a Foundation Tile , also occupied by an enemy Grunt .
7 6 19 In a Mound under a Shovel (Convenient, isn't it?).
8 1 25 In plain sight on a Crumbling Bridge Tile CBT. Coin #1 of five reached via a Secret.
9 4 25 In plain sight on a CBT . Coin #2 of five reached via a Secret.
10 7 24 In plain sight on a CBT . Coin #3 of five reached via a Secret.
11 6 27 In plain sight on a CBT . Coin #4 of five reached via a Secret.
12 2 27 In plain sight on a CBT . Coin #5 of five reached via a Secret.
13 2 17 In plain sight on a LD where an enemy Grunt carrying a sign attempted to win another enemy Grunt over. (He failed ... "Hale-Bopp, here he comez".)
14 10 28 In plain sight on a Stable Bridge Tile (SBT). Coin #1 of three reached via a Secret.
15 17 26 In plain sight on a SBT . Coin #2 of three reached via a Secret.
16 43 28 In plain sight at the end of a peninsula in the southeast corner. Coin #3 of three reached via a Secret.