
No. X Y Callz for Where you may acquire them
1 7 7 Gauntletz In plain sight with Jumping Golf Ballz on three sides and a wall on three other sides.
2 15 7 Goober Straw In plain sight with Jumping Golf Ballz on three sides and a wall on three other sides.
3 15 15 Bricklaying Toolz In plain sight with Jumping Golf Ballz on three sides and a wall on three other sides.
4 7 15 Explosive Brick In plain sight with Jumping Golf Ballz on three sides and a wall on three other sides.
5 3 25 Gauntletz Found in plain sight on a peninsula in the big Quicksand pool.
6 36 32 Sword Found on a Grunt Creation Point in the southeast corner.
7 24 30 Warpstone Found on a Black One-Time Switch (BOTS).
Note: It does not matter which Megaphone you acquire and use first!
Strike that! It helpz that you use Megaphone #7 before Megaphone #6. You may survive a Sword fight.
In this Custom Level, your task is to determine which Grunt should have what is called for.
If you find that you have failed to pick up and use a Megaphone, you will have to go back to a previous SAVE (hopefully not all the way back to the beginning) and keep the keeper of the GruntzMachine (Resourcez) on his toez!