
Brick type X Y Description of how the object is acquired
Gauntletz breaker xx yy Grunt #?? usez a Megaphone to call for it.
Teleporter xx yy Grunt #?? usez a Megaphone to call for it.
(Not useful in a Questz (Custom) Level.)
Unbreakable xx yy Grunt #?? usez a Megaphone to call for it.
Explosive xx yy Grunt #?? usez a Megaphone to call for it.
None There are no specialized Brickz acquired in this level.
xx yy Tile coordinatez of the Megaphone.
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Your walk-through componentz will be stored under:

Use explicit addressez when creating your walk-through ... "" in place of the "../../../../" that will be stored on the web host.
That will require you to have an on-line link open, but you will see the imagez that you reference.
Of course, if you have a current copy of the "Gruntz Extraz" CD-ROM, you will have all of the imagez on your own computer's hard drive ... and in the proper placez!

Be sure to look at the Spare Partz you may use!

The above are examplez of invoking supporting imagez, linkz to other componentz, etc.

Relative referencez examplez: "../../../../" ... backward reference
"1RR/" specific graphicz set
"RR195.jpg" specific Tile image

The examplez are based upon the "High On Sweetz" graphicz set.
Use the 'replace' function to change "4HS/HS" for the graphicz set of your CL.

1RR/RR"Rocky Roadz" tile list
2Gr/Gr"Gruntziclez" tile list
3TT/TT"Trouble In The Tropicz" tile list
4HS/HS"High On Sweetz" tile list
5HR/HR"High Rollerz" tile list
6Ho/Ho"Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz" tile list
7MM/MM"Miniature Masterz" tile list
8GS/GS"Gruntz In Space" tile list

Note that the relative address may be cAsE sEnSiTiVe for some browserz ... 2GR may not be treated the same as 2Gr!
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