
No. X Y Originally is What the Grunt acquirez, task(z) performed, last task
1 6 5 Bare-handed The Designer put him there.
I am assuming use of Grunt #3, #1 and #2 in that order.
A horizontal line -------------------------- indicatez time to use another Grunt.
Pickz up a pair of Gauntletz (Tool #1) and breakz dice (large

and small ).
Pickz up a Coin (Coin #1) revealed under one of the dice.
Turnz enemy Gruntz standing on Green Hold Switchez (GHS) into Goo Puddlez , lowering Green Pyramidz .
Breakz a Red Brick (RB) and losez his Gauntletz .

When Grunt #2 is carrying a Sword and Grunt #3 is standing on a
Purple Multi-Grunt Switch (PMGS), he pickz a fight with
an enemy Grunt and runz to stand on a PMGS , then movez to the
next PMGS (the enemy Grunt stepz on the PMGS he vacated,
lowering three Purple Pyramidz PPz).
As soon as Grunt #2 startz crossing the Crumbling Bridge (CB), he escapez via the Arrowz , and usez the Arrow to squish the enemy Grunt .
Followz Grunt #2 , who will carve up an enemy Grunt , so Grunt #1 again becomez Gauntletz Grunt #1.
Satisfiez his half of two CheckPoint Switchez (CPS).
Breakz three small dice cubez .
Pickz up a Coin (Coin #4) revealed under one of the dice.
Findz a safe place to stand, while his buddy takez all the chancez.

Breakz a Brick and movez to the Foundation Tile left behind.
Comez out and breakz everything he can now reach, revealing two Kegz of Zap Cola . Drainz one of them. Pickz up a Coin (Coin #5).
Movez to wait on a Landing Dock in an open space area.

Have you SAVEd recently? (Now is a very good time to do so!)
You have to work with Grunt #2 to help you across the Bridge.
While he is standing on the Blue Hold Switch (BHS), about half of the Toggled Bridge Tilez (TBT) are raised, and the rest lowered .
You may stand on a Toggled Bridge Tile (TBT).
If he movez ... the Tile openz under you, you fall and die!
Move to one of the southernmost CBTz ... switch to Grunt #2, move him one space ... switch back to Grunt #1 and finish crossing the Bridge.
Oh yes! And avoid being punched into space!
Turn your attacker into a Goo Puddle .
Would you like to SAVE again? (To avoid repeating that challenge.)
2 6 27 Bare-handed The Designer put him there.
Pickz up a Coin (Coin #2).
Crossez a sequential Toggling Bridge (TB) to pick up a Sword , and returnz on another TB to wait by three PPz .

Crossez over the lowered PPz and walkz across a CB to join Grunt #1 (who is now Bare-handed ).

Carvez up an enemy Grunt so that Grunt #1 may re-arm.
Pickz up a Coin (Coin #3).
Satisfiez his half of two CPSez .

Disposez of two enemy Gruntz .
Movez to stand on a BHS for a while.

Movez off the BHS for a while.

Movez back onto the BHS for a while.

Movez off the BHS and goez to refresh himself with a Keg of Zap Cola .

3 20 34 Bare-handed The Designer put him there.
Takez a few stepz to stand on a PMGS for a while.

After Grunt #2 is freed, crossez a TB to pick up some Springz .