
X Y Secret Type Description of the location
20 20 Red Warp (RW) The SecretTeleporterTrigger is a Mound surrounded by Holez ... and there is a Jumping Golf Ball right in the middle of it!
The RW will open in place!
The RW will take you to the area where there is a Warp letter on a Black One-Time Switch (BOTS) near an Orange Up/Down Switch (OUDS) and two other BOTS and three Black Pyramidz (BP).
Beware the Jumping Golf Ballz and 2 Rolling Golf Ballz!
Try to avoid the hot lead that is flying around in the area.
Pray your timing is good when you return via the RW
33 15 Question Mark Switch
Hidden under a Mushroom (which contains a Coin ) two stepz away from a BOTS, with a GREEN Wormhole between them.
It createz a path to another Coin floating over Quicksand and another Coin near an OUDS .
Note that a 'purist' would have one Red Warp and one Question Mark Switch in a puzzle.