
No. X Y Description of where the object is found
1 0 19

In plain sight on the single tile between two Arrowz ... with a Coconut rolling over it!.
This takez advantage of the "X=0 and/or Y=0" 'bug', where Gruntz cannot be injured by some thingz.
2 34 1 In plain sight (but obscured by a Blue Wormhole over it).
3 4 22 Under a Rock between some Palm treez.
4 42 6 In plain sight atop a Red Toggle Switch (RTS) on a tiny island in the Lava Pit.
5 46 23 Hidden behind a Palm tree near the enemy Grunt .
6 46 19 On a Black One-Time Switch (BOTS).
7 7 1 Hidden behind a Palm tree, north of the King's Fortress, reached via a Red Warp .
8 8 1 Hidden behind a Palm tree, north of the King's Fortress, reached via a Red Warp .
9 11 1 In plain sight, north of the King's Fortress, reached via a Red Warp .
10 12 1 In plain sight, north of the King's Fortress, reached via a Red Warp .
11 13 1 In plain sight, north of the King's Fortress, reached via a Red Warp .
12 15 0 Hidden behind a Palm tree, north of the King's Fortress, reached via a Red Warp .
13 43 25 In a Mound where the Shovel was acquired.
14 12 11 In a Mound south of the King's Fortress.
15 5 5 In a Mound where the SpongeGun was acquired..
16 11 25 In a Mound which becomez a Hole which becomez a Mound .