
Grunt(z) What to do to solve the mini-puzzle
Shovel #1
GooberStraw #2
Springz #3
Gauntletz #4
Bare-handed #5
SpongeGun #7
Bare-handed #8
Grunt #8 makez a kamikaze run to break through the Unbreakable Gold Brick (UGB) and the Gauntletz Breaker Brick (GBB) to the south.
Spy gear #2 viewz the 4 Brick stackz and Gauntletz #1 breakz the brown Brick layerz, leaving .
Gauntletz #1 pickz up the Bomb and blows up 3 of the UGBz , leaving .
Gauntletz #4 breakz at least two one-layer Brickz (it only costz time to also break the two-layer Brick ) and all the gruntz can join up with Spy gear #2.
Spy gear #2 revealz the southwest stack of Bricks (when viewed from left to right) to actually be , then revealz the southeast stack of Brickz (viewed from left to right) to actually be .
Gauntletz #4 breakz the brown Brickz in the southwest stack, leaving .
Gauntletz #4 breakz the brown Brickz in the southeast stack, leaving .
Seemz we are missing something here. What do we need? Ooh! Bombz!