6 CheckPoint number 1
Grunt(z) What to do to solve the puzzle
Gauntletz #3,
Brickz #1 and
Springz #4
  1. Gauntletz #3
    1. Breakz the three cupcakez here and getz the Coin (#4).
    2. Makez room for Brickz #1 to go to work.

    3. Goez up the left corridor and breakz the Brown Brick Brickz #1 just laid and the 2 cupcakez .
    4. By now, Springz #4 has reached a BOTS and the BPz to the left have been lowered .
    5. Enterz the next passage to the left and breakz the three Brown Brickz in the center of the path of four Rolling SnowBallz (RSB) (while avoiding the RSBz ).
    6. Goez back to where Brickz #1 is waiting.
    7. Enterz the center corridor and breakz the Brown Brick and standz on the Foundation Tile left behind.

    8. Breakz the Brown Brick Brickz #1 layz to break the RSB .
    9. Goez north and breakz the two cupcakez , so Springz #4 may move west.
    10. Movez onto one of the BPz and waitz until "the coast is clear".

    11. Goez west and north to an Arrow ... and stepz away when in control again.
  2. Brickz #1
    1. Layz a Brown Brick to break the RSB on the left.
    2. Makez room for Gauntletz #3 to go back to work.

    3. Layz a Brown Brick to break the RSB in the center.
    4. After Gauntletz #3 un-doez his work, goez up and to the left and down to stand on the northern Foundation Tile .
    5. Layz a Brown Brick to break the four RSBz .
    6. Goez west and north to an Arrow ... and stepz away when in control again.
  3. Springz #4
    1. Enterz the right side, jumpz on the BOTS .

    2. When the cupcakez are removed, movez west to wait with Gauntletz #3.

    3. Goez west and north to an Arrow ... and stepz away when in control again.
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