4 The Toggling Bridge puzzle
Grunt(z) What to do to solve the puzzle
Springz #4,
Gauntletz #3 and
Straw #1
  1. Springz #4
    1. Maneuver across the Toggling Bridge Tilez (TBT) to the safe Bridge Tilez (BT).
    2. Plot your course carefully and don't forget Springz can jump diagonally.
    3. You will not use every BT .
    4. Use the solid BTz to plan your next seriez of movez.
    5. First, jump to the Blue Hold Switch (BHS) on the side of the maze.
    6. Stand there for a while to allow the other team memberz to cross.

    7. Then jump to the Black One-Time Switch (BOTS) to the south, which lowerz two Black Pyramidz (BP).

    8. Movez to the BOTS in the lower right corner, causing two more BPz to be lowered .
    9. Movez back up to the BHS to wait.

    10. Movez up alongside gruntz #3 and #1 to form a "skirmish line".
  2. Gauntletz #3
    1. Movez down the left edge to the Landing Area in the lower left.
    2. Breakz the two cupcakez and getz the Coin (#3).
    3. Breakz another cupcake ... and stepz back!
    4. Breakz another cupcake ... and stepz back (to make room for a teammate).
    5. Waitz for grunt #1 to join him, and grunt #4 to remove an obstacle.

    6. Movez up the right edge, breaking four cupcakez (obstaclez only, no prizez)
    7. Breakz another cupcake ... and stepz back!
    8. Movez up and callz to gruntz #1 and #4 to form a "skirmish line".
  3. Straw #1
    1. Movez across to the same Landing Area .

    2. Movez up alongside gruntz #3 and #4 to form a "skirmish line".
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