Springz #4, Gauntletz #3 and Straw #1 |
- Springz #4
- Maneuver across the Toggling Bridge Tilez (TBT) to the safe Bridge Tilez (BT).
- Plot your course carefully and don't forget Springz can jump diagonally.
- You will not use every BT .
- Use the solid BTz to plan your next seriez of movez.
- First, jump to the Blue Hold Switch (BHS) on the side of the maze.
- Stand there for a while to allow the other team memberz to cross.
- Then jump to the Black One-Time Switch (BOTS) to the south, which lowerz two Black Pyramidz (BP).
- Movez to the BOTS in the lower right corner, causing two more BPz to be lowered .
- Movez back up to the BHS to wait.
- Movez up alongside gruntz #3 and #1 to form a "skirmish line".
- Gauntletz #3
- Movez down the left edge to the Landing Area in the lower left.
- Breakz the two cupcakez and getz the Coin (#3).
- Breakz another cupcake ... and stepz back!
- Breakz another cupcake ... and stepz back (to make room for a teammate).
- Waitz for grunt #1 to join him, and grunt #4 to remove an obstacle.
- Movez up the right edge, breaking four cupcakez (obstaclez only, no prizez)
- Breakz another cupcake ... and stepz back!
- Movez up and callz to gruntz #1 and #4 to form a "skirmish line".
- Straw #1
- Movez across to the same Landing Area .
- Movez up alongside gruntz #3 and #4 to form a "skirmish line".