Ice, by Guenter

Walkthrough by GooRoo

Grunt What you need to do, to solve it
Bare-handed #2 Pickz up the sign (Powerup #1) and walkz toward an enemy grunt and "putz the touch" on him. (Givez him his orderz to help the new teammatez.)
Walkz toward the next enemy grunt and "putz the touch" on him. (Ditto.)
Walkz toward the last enemy grunt and "putz the touch" on him. (Ditto.)
"Hale-Bopp, here I come!" (Death #1).
Shovel #9 Digz up a Mound (and re-fillz the Hole ) to reveal the Warpstone Piece .
Digz up a Mound (and re-fillz the Hole ) to reveal a Coin (#1) .
Takez his place on a generic CheckPoint Switch (CPS).
When it is satisfied , the CheckPoint Pyramidz (CPP) are lowered .
Bare-handed #4 Pickz up the Warpstone Piece .
Boxing Glovez #7 Takez his place on his very own CPS .
Shield #8 Takez his place on his very own CPS .
Shovel #9 Digz up a Mound (and re-fillz the Hole ) to reveal a sign .
"Not me!", he sayz, as he movez away from it.
Bare-handed #5 Pickz up the sign (Powerup #2) and walkz toward an enemy grunt and "putz the touch" on him. (Givez him his orderz to help the new teammatez.)
Walkz toward the next enemy grunt and "putz the touch" on him. (Ditto.)
Walkz toward the last enemy grunt and "putz the touch" on him. (Ditto.)
"Hale-Bopp, here I come!" (Death #2).
Bare-handed #1 Takez his place on a generic CPS (close to the CPPz ).
Bare-handed #2r Takez his place on a generic CPS (close to the CPPz ).
Bare-handed #3 Takez his place on a generic CPS (near the CPPz ).
Bare-handed #6 Takez his place on a generic CPS (near the CPPz ).
Boxing Glovez #7 Takez his place on his very own CPS .
SpongeGun #10 'Encouragez' an enemy grunt to move a bit further (4 tilez) away.
'Encouragez' another enemy grunt to move a bit further (2 tilez) away.
Takez his place on his very own CPS .
Sword #11 Takez his place on his very own CPS .
Warpstone #4 Takez his place on the generic CPS furthest from the CPPz .
All of the CPSz satisfied , the CPPz are lowered .
Boxing Glovez #7 'Persuadez' four enemy gruntz to take placez on the four Purple Multi-Grunt Switchez (PMGS) furthest from the Purple Pyramid (PP).
4 of 14 PMGSz filled.
SpongeGun #10 'Encouragez' an enemy grunt to move away from the wall (so grunt #7 may further 'encourage' him).
Movez to stand on an unoccupied PMGS furthest from the PP (next to an enemy grunt ).
5 of 14 PMGSz filled.
Boxing Glovez #7 'Persuadez' the fifth enemy grunt to take his place on the unoccupied PMGS furthest from the PP .
6 of 14 PMGSz filled. Standz on the unoccupied PMGS furthest from the PP (next to an enemy grunt ).
7 of 14 PMGSz filled.
Shield #8 Movez up the stairway to stand next to a teammate (SpongeGun or Boxing Glovez ) on an unoccupied PMGS and next to an enemy grunt (to prevent him from attacking a Bare-handed grunt or (worse!) the Warpstone grunt ).
8 of 14 PMGSz filled.
Sword #11 Movez up the stairway to stand next to a teammate (SpongeGun or Boxing Glovez ) and next to an enemy grunt (to prevent him moving ... anywhere!).
Bare-handed #1 Takez his place an unoccupied PMGS furthest from the PP .
9 of 14 PMGSz filled.
Bare-handed #2r Takez his place an unoccupied PMGS furthest from the PP .
10 of 14 PMGSz filled.
Bare-handed #3 Takez his place an unoccupied PMGS furthest from the PP .
11 of 14 PMGSz filled.
Bare-handed #6 Takez his place an unoccupied PMGS furthest from the PP .
12 of 14 PMGSz filled.
Shovel #9 Snoopz around to see what else he might be able to dig up.
Takez his place on an unoccupied PMGS furthest from the PP .
13 of 14 PMGSz filled.
Warpstone #4 Takez his place on the unoccupied PMGS closest to the PP .
14 of 14 PMGSz filled.
The PP is lowered .
Bare-handed #6 Movez next to the PP .
13 of 14 PMGSz filled.
The PP is raised ... again.
Sword #11 Takez the place vacated by grunt #6.
14 of 14 PMGSz filled ... again.
The PP is lowered ... again.
Bare-handed #6 Movez down to step on the Secret Switch .
Hurriez up to get the Gauntletz (Tool #1).
Gauntletz #6 Ignorez the Coin nearest him, and runz to get the Coin (#3) .
on the far end, instead.
Breakz the Giant Ice Crystal


Is there a Coin visible on the other side of the Arrowz ? "Hey Rube!" ... (he needz some help to get the Coin he can see).
SpongeGun #10 Movez next to the PP and shootz at the nearest Arrow .
Goez back to his place on the PMGS , lowering the PP .
Gauntletz #6 Stepz on that Arrow and the sponge pushez him near the Coin (#3) .
Breakz an ice crystal , and pickz up Coin (#4) .
Breakz an ice crystal , and pickz up Coin (#5) .
Breakz an ice crystal , and pickz up Coin (#6) .
Breakz an ice crystal , and pickz up Coin (#7) .
Breakz an ice crystal , and pickz up Coin (#8) .
Back-trackz to the crumbling bridge , past the PP .
Breakz an ice crystal , and pickz up Coin (#9) .
Relievez the Warpstone grunt so he may cross to the King's island.
Breakz an ice crystal , and pickz up Coin (#10) .
Breakz an ice crystal , and pickz up Coin (#11) .
Breakz an ice crystal , and pickz up Coin (#12) .
Breakz an ice crystal , and pickz up Coin (#13) .
Breakz an ice crystal ... (with explosive resultz!) and pickz up the Warp Letter W .
Warpstone #4 Pickz up Coin (#14) .
Givez the Warpstone Piece to the King.
Congratulations! You have a "PERFECT!" score.