Grunt(z) |
What to do to solve the puzzle |
1 |
Asteroid #1 |
Bare-handed #2 |
- Stepz on the Yellow Hold Switch (YHS) until the Rolling Rock getz past the Two-Way Arrow (TWA).
- Then headz toward the enemy gruntz .
- You want to lure them to where the rock will roll over the enemy gruntz without your grunt being harmed.
- Pickz up the Springz (Tool #1).
Springz #2 |
- Retrievez the Coin (Coin #1).
- Followz the Bridge due north and jump to the area where the Green Pyramid (GP), Green Toggle Switch (GTS) and Rock are located.
- Pickz up the Rock (Tool #2).
2 |
Asteroid #2 |
Rock #2 and Bare-handed #1 |
- Rock #2
- Killz the enemy grunt on the right.
- Walkz over near the GP and waitz for an enemy grunt to come within range.
- Killz the enemy grunt that delayed grunt #1.
- When the GP dropz , leadz the way to the next Asteroid.
- Bare-handed #1
- Stepz on the Black One-Time Switch (BOTS).
- This causez a Black Pyramid (BP) to be lowered (legal)
- One of the enemy gruntz seez the opening , and presentz the grunt with a 'gift' .
- Will also start the rolling rockz to the west rolling up and across the top of this area.
(Improper use of a BOTS ... acting also as a Yellow Toggle Switch (YTS.)
- You must get to the BOTS before the rocks do.
- Playz with the toy, wasting precious time.
- Movez toward the Arrowz to the north and east, and is intercepted by the other enemy grunt who will give him another 'gift' .
(You should have enough time to play with the yo-yo and still get to the BOTS before the Rolling Rockz .)
- Stepz on the Green Toggle Switch (GTS) and followz grunt #2 to the next Asteroid.
3 |
Asteroid #3 |
Rock #2 and Bare-handed #1 |
- Rock #2
- Movez down to the artificial platform, and stopz near the Red Pyramidz (RP).
- Stepz on one of the RPz , which encouragez the enemy gruntz to attack ... so he (wisely) stepz back.
- Throwz three rockz at each enemy grunt , turning them into Goo Puddlez .
- Kills the next enemy grunt by getting him to attack, and tossing the rock, and then backing up.
- Goez back to relieve grunt #1 on the RHS .
- When the GPz drop , leavez the artificial platform and followz grunt #1 to the next Asteroid.
- Bare-handed #1
- Movez down to the artificial platform, and stopz near the Red Hold Switch (RHS).
- Standz on the RHS and (as soon as the two enemy gruntz approach the RPz ), quickly stepz off, re-raising the RPz .
- Standz on the RHS again, so grunt #2 can take care of the next obstacle.
- When relieved, goez down and getz the Gravity Bootz (Tool #3) from the GTS .
- Proceedz to the next Asteroid.
4 |
Asteroid #4 |
Gravity Bootz #1 and Rock #2 |
- Gravity Bootz #1
- Walkz to the large asteroid to the southeast, and goez upstairz.
- Usez the Megaphone #1 to call for Wingz .
- Stepz on an Arrow and is conveyed to the Green Hold Switch (GHS).
- Standz there taking hitz from an enemy grunt ... until grunt #2 completez his task.
- Lurez the enemy grunt in this area into such a position where Bootz is beside the arrow pointing right to the YHS and the enemy grunt is to your left and the enemy grunt is above you.
- Takez a step south when the enemy grunt shootz at him, and the other enemy grunt followz and is hit by the sponge ... and pushed onto the Arrow , and is stuck holding down that YHS .
- Turnz the enemy grunt into a Goo Puddle .
- Downz a refreshing Bottle of Zap Cola , and goez to stand on the Purple Multi-Grunt Switch (PMGS).
- Rock #2
- Walkz to the BOTS and then goes back north to wait near the TWA .
Toob #3 |
- Paddlez to the Landing Area to the east.
- Takez the Wingz (Tool #4) from the GruntzMachine (Resourcez).
Wingz #3 |
- Fliez northeast to the small island in the sky.
- Fliez southeast from here to the larger island.
- Finally, fliez to the bottom row of Spikes (where the Wingz fall off).
- Walkz on nine Spikez to get the Shovel (Tool #5).
Rock #2 and Shovel #3 |
- Rock #2
- When the TWA is reversed , walkz to wait at the Purple Pyramidz (PP).
- When the PPz go down , throwz rockz at the enemy grunt standing on the YHS .
- Goez to relieve grunt #3 on the PMGS .
- Shovel #3
- Fillz the Holez , downz a refreshing Keg of Zap Cola , and goez to stand on the PMGS .
- When relieved by grunt #2, crossez the PPz and digz up Moundz /re-fillz Holez .
- Pickz up the Warp Letter .
- Leavez the Boxing Glovez for someone to use later.
5 |
Asteroid #5 |
Shovel #3 |
- Walkz to where the UFO and 2 Mounds are located.
- Digz up the Mounds and re-fill the Holez and reveal a Coin (Coin #2) and the Toob .
- Picks up the Toob (Tool #6).
Toob #3 |
Walkz back past the red and green pyramids, up and around to the east to rejoin the Rockz grunt.
6 |
Asteroid #4 (again) |
Toob #3 and Rock #2 |
- Toob #3
- Relievez grunt #2 on the PMGS .
- When grunt #2 crossez the PPz , paddlez over to the Blue Hold Switch (BHS).
- Rock #2
- Pickz up the Boxing Glovez (Tool #7).
7 |
Asteroid #6 and #7 |
Toob #3 and Boxing Glovez #2 |
- Toob #3
- When grunt #2 is across the Bridge, paddlez across the pool and movez north to his CheckPoint Switch (CPS).
- Movez north to the big area in the northeast.
- Paddlez southeast in the water (avoidz battling the enemy grunt ) and past the double Bridgez.
- Takez out the enemy grunt in the southeast corner and usez the Megaphone #2 to call for a SpongeGun .
- Paddlez northwest back the way he came (again avoidz battling the enemy grunt ).
- Walkz around the pool to the northwest until he is across from the crates.
- Takez the SpongeGun (Tool #8) from the GruntzMachine (Resourcez).
- Boxing Glovez #2
- Crossez the Bridge and movez north to his CPS .
- Followz grunt #3 north to the big area in the northeast.
- Waitz near the Landing Area .
SpongeGun #3 |
- Shootz the enemy grunt onto the BHS northwest of him.
- Crossez the Bridge and retrievez the Coin (Coin #3).
- Walkz around the pool to the far northeast until he is beside the crates.
- Shootz the enemy grunt standing on the BHS in the pool (twenty timez!), to leave a Goo Puddle on the Switch .
(Now the gruntz have access to the interior of the area.)
SpongeGun #3 and Boxing Glovez #2 |
What must be done now is to get each pair of enemy gruntz onto the three pairz of PMGSz .
If any different color gruntz come close to each other, they will start fighting.
You don't want this to happen.
SAVE before you start, and SAVE again each time you successfully place a grunt on a PMGS .
Starting with the dark green gruntz :
- SpongeGun #3
- Shootz a grunt onto the Arrowz (which point clockwise).
- Moving counter-clockwise, repeat five timez.
- Shootz each enemy grunt onto a PMGS .
- Shootz grunt #2 off the Arrowz toward the last PMGS .
- Movez down to the southern end of the area, over the PP and across the western Bridge to step on the BOTS .
(This lowerz the BP , allowing access to the Gauntletz ).
- Movez back up and shootz (at least) two enemy gruntz off the PPz and onto Arrowz.
- (If all (surviving) enemy gruntz are walking on Arrowz, there is no danger.)
- Boxing Glovez #2
- Punchez a grunt off the Arrowz toward a PMGS .
- Moving counter-clockwise, repeat five timez.
- Startz moving onto an Arrow near the remaining PMGS .
- Is 'assisted' off the Arrowz, and takez a step onto the PMGS .
- When enemy gruntz move to start fighting each other, pickz up the Gauntletz (Tool #9).
SpongeGun #3 and Gauntletz #2 |
- SpongeGun #3
- Waitz for grunt #2 to step onto an Arrow.
- Firez a Sponge at the Arrow where grunt #2 will soon arrive.
- Walkz down and across the Bridge and waitz next to the used-up BOTS .
- Gauntletz #2
- Stepz on an Arrow (away from any fighting).
- Is 'assisted' off the Arrowz, and movez to the southern end of the area and breakz a Rock crystal .
8 |
Asteroidz #1, #2 and #5 |
Gauntletz #2 |
- Walkz to the asteroid (#2) where grunt #1 entered the game.
- Breakz the three Rock Crystalz and getz 2 Coinz (#4 and #5).
- Walkz to the asteroid (#5) where the UFO is circling and breakz the Rock Crystal and getz the Warp Letter .
- Walkz to the asteroid (#1) where grunt #2 entered the game.
- Breakz the Rock Crystalz and getz a Coin (#6).
- Walkz back to where grunt #3 is waiting.
9 |
Asteroid #8 |
SpongeGun #3 and Gauntletz #2 and Gravity Bootz #1 |
- SpongeGun #3
- When grunt #2 yellz for help, crossez the TWA and stepz on the YTS .
- Movez below the GPz to attract the enemy grunt .
- Movez back north of the GPz when he attackz.
- Movez south of the GPz .
- Shootz the four enemy gruntz into the Holez .
- Shootz a sponge at the TWA to the right of the King.
- Shootz a sponge at the TWA to the left of the King.
- Stepz on the TWA , and then standz on the GHS .
- There is nothing left for him to do!
- Gauntletz #2
- Stepz on the TWA and breakz a Rock Crystal , revealing a YTS .
- Stepz on the YTS and breakz the next Rock Crystal .
- Stepz on the YTS again and stepz on the next TWA and breakz another Rock Crystal , revealing ... nothing.
- Yellz for grunt #3 to help him out of this mess.
- Breakz a Rock Crystal ... and stepz back.
- Breakz four more Rock Crystalz in the same area, revealing a Coin (#7) and a Squeak Toy (#1).
- With the Squeak Toy selected, stand on the Green Hold Switch .
- Takez a step back north of the GPz .
- When the enemy grunt getz to the GHS , givez him the Squeak Toy .
- Movez south of the GPz .
- When it is safe to do so, walkz down to the right side of the King's Fortress.
- Stepz on the right TWA ... just as a sponge arrivez.
- Breakz a Rock Crystal , revealing a Secret Switch .
- Stepz on the Secret Switch .
- Stepz on the TWA .
- Walkz to the TWA to the west.
- Stepz on the left TWA ... just as a sponge arrivez.
- Stepz on the YHS to let grunt #3 into the area.
- Pickz up the Warpstone Piece and deliverz it to the King.
- Gravity Bootz #1 (still on Asteroid #4)
- Movez down to the Arrowz .
- Retrievez the 3 Coinz (#11, #12 and #13) and the Warp Letter.
- There is nothing left for him to do!