
You begin the game with three gruntz; none diez, and none are added.
X Y Grunt Original state ... ultimate fate
1 10 8 Bare-handed
  1. Free to move, in the northwest part of the map.
  2. Acquirez Gravity Bootz (Tool #3)
  3. Endz all alone on Asteroid #4.
2 15 28 Bare-handed
  1. Free to move, in the central part of the map.
  2. Acquirez Springz (Tool #1).
  3. Acquirez a Rock (Tool #2).
  4. Acquirez Boxing Glovez (Tool #7).
  5. Acquirez Gauntletz (Tool #9).
  6. Acquirez the Warpstone
  7. Bringz the Warpstone to the King.
3 3 56 Toob
  1. Free to paddle around in a small pool.
  2. Acquirez Wingz (Tool #4)
  3. Acquirez a Shovel (Tool #5)
  4. Acquirez a Toob (Tool #6)
  5. Acquirez a SpongeGun (Tool #8).
  6. Endz in the King's courtyard on Asteroid #8.