Red Warp #4
The SecretTeleporterTrigger is an ordinary tile in the far southeast corner of the area surrounding the King's Fortress.
The RW openz right under the Grunt's 'feet', and takez him into the Arrowz maze, at the very top center of the maze.
Gauntletz grunt #4
- He goez through the RW
and findz himself surrounded by Arrowz.
- He electz to step onto an Arrow
that will take him to a safe ordinary tile , instead of into the pool of water to the north.
- He next stepz onto an Arrow
that will take him to a safe ordinary tile , instead of into a Construction Pyramid or back into the pool of water to the north.
- Then he electz to step onto an
that leadz to an Intersection Arrow and finally to another ordinary tile .
- Decision time! There are two safe placez reachable from here.
- Then he electz to step on an Arrow
that leadz to an Arrow and finally to another ordinary tile .
- "Oops! I think I went the wrong way, there!"
- (Wrong, it only seemz as if it was the wrong choice. It was the only correct choice if you want to achieve a "PERFECT!" score.)
- He stepz on the Arrow
that leadz to an Arrow and finally to the ordinary tile where he (thought he) made his mistake.
- Then he electz to step on an Arrow
that leadz to an Arrow and finally to another ordinary tile .
- He next stepz onto an Arrow
that leadz to an Arrow and eventually to the Warp Letter .
- He can 'retire' right now ... or go through the return RW (not necessary for a "PERFECT!" score).