Secret #3

Red Warp #3
The Warpstone Grunt should activate the STT which is an artifical Bridge Tile on the eastern edge of the Rolling Rockz area.
The RW will open southwest of the SpongeGun CheckPoint Switch and take a Grunt where there are eruptionz galore!
Gauntletz #4
  1. "Someone could get killed around here!" Grunt #4 observez.
  2. Paying close attention to the pattern of eruptionz of the Lava Geyserz , he thinkz he seez a way through the geyserz.
  3. "Don't let me die. Please don't let me die" ... and he stepz out in faith.
  4. Arriving safely at the south end of the geyser field, he notez the Warp Letter southeast of his 'safe' place, and a Rock Crystal south by southwest of his location. He goez after both, then returnz through the RW.