Red Warp #1
The SecretTeleporterTrigger (STT) is an active Lava Geyser at the far west edge of the rectangle of geyserz, one Tile south of the ToobSpikez.
The RW will open on the ToobSpikez.
It will take you to the Toob (Tool #1) north of the Warp letter lying in plain sight on the Yellow Toggle Switch .
Toob grunt #2,
- seeing nothing better to do, waddlez on down and collectz the Warp Letter
and findz himself in a dangerous situation.
- Dodging the approaching Rolling Rockz
, he landz on his CPS and
- Thankz someone for his escape
- Lookz around to see what to do next
- (a) Goes to step 4 or
- (b) trompz all over the area looking for Secretz
- Goes through the return RW.
- Oops! Well, that thing was starting to chafe anyway, so no big loss.
- Is now once again Bare-handed