
Grunt Description of what to do
Bare-handed Watch out for the big birdz and their nasty output. (They just ate.)
Avoid flying objectz from enemy Gruntz
(deadly!) and merely annoying . Search for a Tool (#1), etc.
There's one in plain sight, if you can avoid flying wood .
Shovel Fill in Holez (for your own safety!), dig up Moundz and if they uncover anything useful (or refreshing ), pick it up (when the time is right).
Perhapz bash annoying enemy gruntz .
When you reveal another Tool (#2) and have no more use for the one you have, pick it up.
Springz Go placez that you could not reach before.
Can you reach the Megaphone on the other side of the Lava flow?
A Bridge in the Lava outflow (hopefully complete) would be helpful.
It is possible to make progress with some of the Bridge Tilez missing, except for the first one. If that is missing, you need to re-start the game.
There is a Blue Toggle Switch (BTS) nearby.
It may be worth your while to press it!
Your health may be down a bit. Do you know where some refreshment may be found?
On this side of the Lava flow, your tool is no linger useful. Hey Rube!
Gauntletz There are lots of Rockz to break.
Bash annoying enemy gruntz if they are obstaclez to that task (or if you just want to show your superior ability to mete out punishment).
There are lots of refreshmentz to be found, and some pocket change.
If your health is below half, quench your thirst. Otherwise save some for later.
You cannot get three enemy Gruntz to move, so you may want to try to remove them.
A song comez to mind: Meat Loaf's "Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad!".
Eventually acquire another Tool.
Toob Go placez that you could not reach before.
If you are not trying for a "PERFECT!" score, just go get the Wapstone Piece .
Otherwise, there is a Coin which beckons you at the bottom of the pond.
Warpstone Carry the Warpstone Piece to the King!