Walkthrough (playable in Easy mode)
Grunt |
Description of what to do |
Bare-handed #1
Landz on a Tool , and putz it to good use on Goo Puddlez.
Standz (briefly!) on Spikez to use a Megaphone , seez he doesn't need the object.
Progress is blocked by two CheckPoint Pyramidz (CPP).
Bare-handed #2
Takez a Tool from the GruntzMachine, and startz using it on Goo Puddlez.
Satisfiez his CheckPoint Switch (CPS) ... nothing happenz.
Bare-handed #3
Landz on Gauntletz , becoming Gauntletz #3 (aka Grimley). |
Gremley #2 and
Grimley #3 and
Gramley #1
Gremley #2 yellz at Grimley #3 "Move your butt to that CPS !"
He does, it lightz up . Two CPPz are lowered .
Gramley #1 is free to move!
Gramley #1 movez to a Red Hold Switch (RHS) to lower a Red Pyramid (RP), yellz at Gremley #3 "Quit blocking the path!". He movez one step.
Gremley #2 movez to stand on a Purple Multi-Grunt Switch (PMGS). Nothing 'multi' about it, the Purple Pyramid (PP) is lowered , allowing Grimley #3 to break a Rock Crystal .
Grimley #3 sayz "I'm not picking that up!", so he and Gremley #2 do "the Curly shuffle", swapping placez, the Tool is acquired by Gremley #2 . |
Gremley #2 |
Fillz in the three Holez , then digz up the Moundz , revealing three Coinz (which he pocketz) and three CPSez   .
Rememberz another Mound and decidez to check it out.
Digz up a Mound , revealing another CPS with another Coin .
(He and Gramley #1 do "the Curly shuffle", exchanging placez.)
Gremley #2 takez Gramley's #1 advice and back-trackz to dig up another Mound , revealing another Coin .
The Mound next to it revealz a Question Mark Switch (QMS).
From this point on, play is non-linear ... pick your own Grunt(z) to work with
A horizontal line indicatez the Grunt is stalled ... until something else happenz.
Grimley #3 |
Seez some reading material and briefly endurez the Spikez to get it.
Openz it up, and readz the strange wordz. Twelve Goo Puddlez spring back2life!
After spending some time twiddling his thumbz, he getz a call from Bricklayer #15 to follow him across a newly completed Bridge .
"That Brick is in my way" Bricklayer #15 sayz. "Smash it!"
He breakz the Brick , and makez room ("the Curly shuffle").
He enterz the area with Rock Crystalz, and breakz one , revealing a TimeBomb !
After a rather noisy period, he seez three Coinz (which he pickz up).
He also seez a number of Brickz , but they don't look quite right, so he callz for help.
After Spy Gear #11 revealz the true nature of the Brickz, he breakz the safe onez.
He breakz a Rock Crystal , revealing a QMS , and decidez to fill his CPS and pocket another Coin .
Spy Gear #11 |
Seeing a wall fall away right next to himself, he runz to get the Warp Letter (and return).
Followz Bricklayer #15 and Grimley #3 across a Bridge and is asked to prove a few Brickz are safe to break. (Most of them aren't!)
Getz the Coin on the QMS and runz to pick up the Warp Letter .
The door disappearz, so he goes to his own CPS to pocket another Coin .
End of participation for this Grunt.
Rockz #13 |
Elbowz his way through the pack, and divez through a Blue Wormhole (BW). From the northwest, he landz on his own CPS . (Lucky guess!)
End of participation for this Grunt.
Boomerang #8 |
Thinking that neat, elbowz his way through the pack, and divez through another BW . From the southwest, he landz on his ownCPS . (Lucky guess, again!)
End of participation for this Grunt.
Gun Hat #12 |
Sayz "Let me try that", and divez through the last BW .
He landz on his ownCPS . (Lucky guess!)
End of participation for this Grunt.
Springz #4
Goes to a QMS hardly anyone else can reach.
(Your other choice is A. Nony Mous #10, who can fly there ... and back.)
Gravity Bootz #7 |
Crossez over on Crumbly Bridge Tilez (CBT) to a Yellow Toggle Switch (YTS) and continuez over CBTz to a place no one else can go (painlessly), over a long string of Spikez , to a Coin atop a Blue Toggle Switch (BTS) which raisez a single Switchable Bridge Tile (SBT).
Over another long string of Spikez , to a Coin atop his own CPS !
End of participation for this Grunt.
Gromley #4 |
Returnz to cross a CB to an area filled with Spikez and 19 BTSez .
He collectz a Coin atop the last BTS , and noticez that all of the SBTz  have re-submerged  ! "That's a problem!"
He collectz the Coin atop his own CPS , returnz to the BTS .
He noticez that his CPS remainz lit , and SBTz are raised.
Realizing his usefulness has ended, he takez a stroll on Spikez , leaving his mark behind. (Death #1.) End of participation for this Grunt.
Bricklayer #15 |
Seeing a completed Bridge over space , he crossez to the pool of water and collectz a dozen Coinz atop CBTz .
He layz a single Brick in the path of the Rolling Rock (RR), breaking it. Then he retreatz to an out-of-the-way place, so that Grimley #3 can un-do his work.
After "the Curly shuffle", he returnz to dive through the BW .
He landz on his ownCPS , surrounded by Arrowz    .
He can move from there, but it is doubtful he can survive. (Hint!)
End of participation for this Grunt.
Shield #5
Is the first to go through the Green Wormhole (GW).
He proceedz to collect Coinz (11(!) of them before he is stopped).
When the CPPz are lowered , he collectz 6 more Coinz , the last one on his CPS ... after Gramley #1 movez onto the King's Plateau.
End of participation for this Grunt.
Gremley #2 |
Goez through the GW next, and waitz behind Grumley #5 when he stopz.
As soon as he can, he goez up stairz to the King's Plateau.
There is a Sign to the north, and a Sign to the south. Pick one ... and move!
If you chose north, head for the enemy Grunt with the "butter knife".
If you chose south, head for the enemy Grunt with the "hard wood".
End result ... "Hale-Bopp, here I come", and the other takez your place.
End of participation for this Grunt. (Death #2.)
Sword #3 or
Club #3
Pickz up the remaining Sign and 'convincez' the remaining Grunt to "join us".
End result ... "Hale-Bopp, here I come", and the other takez your place.
End of participation for this Grunt. (Death #3.)
Goober Straw #6 |
Goez through the GW after Gramley #1.
He takez his place on his CPS .
End of participation for this Grunt.
Boxing Glovez #14 |
Goez through the GW after Goober Straw #6.
He takez his place on his CPS .
End of participation for this Grunt.
Bomb #9 |
Goez through the GW after Boxing Glovez #14.
He takez his place on his CPS .
End of participation for this Grunt.
Gramley #1 |
Goez through the GW after Bomb #9.
He takez his place on his CPS .
End of participation for this Grunt.
Wingz #10 |
Goez through the GW after Gremley #2.
He takez his place on his CPS .
The CPPz are lowered , allowing Grumley #5 and Gremley #2 to proceed.
End of participation for this Grunt.
Gromley #4 |
Is one of two Gruntz capable of moving ... to oblivion. He jumpz on Spikez and soon returnz to Goo . (Death #1.) |
Warpstone |
Satisfiez the last CPS and collectz the last Coin .
Carriez the Warpstone Piece to the King! It's "PERFECT!" |